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"The gazing eyes are so beautiful
You have taught me that
Someday, the sadness will wind us together"

-your eyes tells, BTS.


Tommrow it'll be a month, since you started working here. Getting through each days felt like centuries.

Those girls were never a disappointment on badmouthing you, talking bullshits and stuffs. But so far you have tried your best to not reply them, yeah sometimes when its unbearable you answer back, but still it never becomes a big shit.

Well for the fact you got to know their names, the one with the plastic face is Jia while the another one with beauty product displayer on her face is Yerin.

Talking about Taehyung, he never stopped approaching you, everytime he tries something new just to get your attention, but you've been ignoring him all the times, lately you're thinking it'll not be a big deal to listen whatever he wanna say, though you know it must be useless thing, but then in another second you realize what you're even thinking to do, listen him out? No way. Not in this lifetime, neither in any another one.

Like every other day you were walking toward your desk.

but what caught your attention was this that almost everyone you were passing by were looking at you.

You thought something was fishy.

Soon after that you saw Yerin and Jia standing some distance away from you, you thought to ignore them but then they started talking loud, enough for you to hear everything.

"You heard she actually is Mr. Kim's ex-fiance?" Said Jia.

"Yeah, ofcourse I've heard about this, but then Mr. Kim caught her sleeping with another guy and broke the engagement" Yerin added.

"I even heard she was pregnant with his child back then"

"Oh please, how come this be true, must be with someone else's child" said Yerin.

"Yeah you're right, therefore she even killed her own unborn, what a bitch"

And this was enough, they're now crossing their line. You fisted the side of your skirt approached them.

"Can you both fucking stop talking nonsense shits!?" You said sliding away the lump that started to form in your throat.

"Oh! Look the bitch even got the tongue to speak back"- said yerin

That's it you landed a tight slap across her face and she stumbled back while holding her cheek, the another one's eyes widen.

But in a matter of second Yerin held your hair in her tight grip and hitted your face hard that you fell down, you were looking at the floor while the few drops of blood from your mouth made it's way down to the floor.

"How dare you slap me?You're the slut here accept that!"

Now the murmuring sound from the crowd was higher than before, you can hear each and everything they were speaking, it was all about you.

-"you heard? she killed her own child"

-"she really cheated on Mr Kim, poor him"

-"what a gold digger, even got here to go after him"

Everyone were so focused on watching the thing going on that they didn't realized Someone walked in the hallway.

"What's going on here!!"

the sudden stern voice echoed across the room and made everyone including Yejin to flinch and she stepped back.

It was dead silence now, everyone knows who the voice belongs to.

"Everyone back to their work!" He yelled and people watching earlier disappeared in a matter of second.

Meanwhile you stayed there on the floor in the same position, while your hands fisted in balls, now your tears slowly falling upon the drops of blood.

The two girl stood their not knowing what to say or do.

"Get lost" Taehyung said this time lowering his voice a bit while looking down at your figure, but the two girls were still standing there.

"I said get lost!" He yelled this time making both of them to flinch hard and they walked away.

He sighed out and walked in front of you before crouching down looking at you.

"I'm sorry" He said slowly and hugged your figure while planting a kiss on top of your head.

He stayed like thst for some good minutes.

While you stayed there looking down, a sobbing mess.

"Let's go from here" He softly said and slowly lifted you up in bridal style, you didn't had the energy to fight him back, and so instead you dig your face on his shoulder, now wetting his white shirt.

He took you to his cabin and made you sit on the couch.

After bringing some tissue papers and wet wipes from his drawer, he sat beside you while wiping your tears and then treating the small cut at the side of your lips, then finally at last wiping the blood off your hands and shirt sleeves.

You sat there looking at your lap, doing nothing.

"Let's go" He said softly holding your hand while you shook your head in denial.

This time he held your wrist and started walking while slowly dragging you along.

"I said I don't wanna go" you said lowely but enough for him to hear.

"You have to" He said still dragging you along him, knowing you're stubborn.

He took his private elevator and got off directly at the parking lot.

He took you to his car and made you sit at the passenger's seat and bucked up the seat belt, while himself sat at the driver's seat and drove off.

You looked outside the window.

the car passed by the tall buildings and the trees shadowing the street, you didn't realized when you went to slumber.

Taehyung was glancing at your figure time to time, and soon he saw you drowning to sleep, you looked so peaceful while sleeping, the guilt from the earlier incident still visible on his face while he took glance of you.

Soon the street covered with buildings changed into trees and he kept on driving.

Eternity: Don't Leave Me ||kth.ff||Where stories live. Discover now