sparks fly and die

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today was the last day the two top hit celebrities have their shared schedule.kang taehyun and choi beomgyu have been the top hit celebrities for two years or so.

they debuted on the same day just in two different companies and from the get go people were amazed by their talent and beauty.

beomgyu had this comforting aura following him everywhere he went and his beauty was impeccable.people praised him how he looked good from any angle and never had a problem in photoshoots because he was so photogenic.his voice as well was very comforting and it brought people in because you just couldn't get enough of his voice.

taehyun on the other hand was quite the cold guy judging by his photoshoots or music videos he had this cold gaze that intimidated anyone.but when you would watch entertainment shows he was a sweet angel all smiley and giggly.his voice was a god's gift sent to was beautiful like if a fairytale forest had a voice it would be taehyun's.

so it's fair to say they were almost like polar opposite's.

but beomgyu contacted taehyun's company and had arranged a collaboration because his fans and himself were quite intrigued of how they voices would sound together.beomgyu and his producer worked together to make a song that would fit both taehyun and him and it turned out beautiful.

when taehyun had sent in his part of the recording beomgyu listened and for not even a second had he thought that taehyun was anything less than talent.once the recording stopped he nodded and looked at his producer "he's good..really good." he had said and the producers all agreed.

so that's why they're currently on their last schedule in a radio/podcast type of thing.

"so taehyun-ssi i heard somewhere that beomgyu was the first one to reach out and propose the idea of this collaboration.." taehyun just nodded "yes yes." the mc continued "what was your first and initial reaction?" the mc asked and taehyun just hummed thinking of a way to express his answer in words.he glanced at beomgyu that was sitting across from him and found the brunette staring him down.

"well i was very excited because i had always though beomgyu hyung has been a talented and beautiful soul and i have been a fan of him when i found out that he and i debuted on the same well as his music has always been something i listen to when i have had a stressful day or when i want to take my mind off of things." he said as he smiled brightly.he had seen beomgyu look down at the table and smile widely.

"hyung?ohh~ have you two become close?" the mc asked and taehyun just raised his eyebrows and motioned at beomgyu with his hands and beomgyu just stammered before answering "u-uh yes uhm we've become quite close considering we spend every day with each other for almost half a year or more." beomgyu answered looking at the mc and smiling warmly.

the mc nodded and looked at his papers for one more question.taehyun and beomgyu made eye contact and smiled at each other.

fans had noticed that the two are weirdly close with each other and they are always whispering stuff in each other's ears making the other giggle and they are very cuddly as well.

like this one time they had been invited to a instagram live with dive studio and while beomgyu was sitting on the couch taehyun was sitting in between his legs and the brunette just kept playing with taehyun's hair and they were like in their own world.

"okay one last question!" the mc announced pulling the two males out of their world "your song is called 'sparks fly and die' please tell us the story behind the song beomgyu-ssi" he said as he turned to beomgyu.

beomgyu took in a deep breath before speaking up "the song is about a girl that had never let herself fall in love but she met a person that broke all those walls down but after making her feel special and making her feel like falling in love isn't that bad the person goes and betrays her.." beomgyu explained and the mc pouted finding it sad "do you have a favorite line?" the mc asked beomgyu but taehyun answered instead "i think i have's actually the line that made me want to record this song and it goes like When she falls hard
And a little too soon
Promise you won't promise things you know just won't come true" sang the line as he looked at beomgyu and the brunette smiled lowering his head and pressing the top of his head against the mic.

"that sounded amazing taehyun-ssi.." the mc commented and beomgyu spoke up "it truly was..that's why i told my producer that taehyun was the one for this song."

the mc nodded before asking beomgyu "have you ever fallen in love?" and that made beomgyu fall silent and smile awkwardly "i keep my privet life away from the public.." he said and like that the radio/podcast was done.

as both the guys entered their backstage room beomgyu flopped on the couch sighing "that was one hell of an interview." he said as he chuckled.taehyun smiled and nodded as he started packing up his things.

beomgyu's smile dropped and he sat up straight "taehyun-ah.." he called out to the blonde and he turned around "yeah?" beomgyu got up and walked closer to the younger.he looked down at taehyun's hand and gently took it interlocking their fingers.

"i have to tell you something before it's too late." he said seriously as he swallowed his saliva.taehyun's heartbeat quickened and he started breathing heavily. "i like you a lot.and more than a co-worker.." beomgyu confessed as he looked taehyun in the eyes.

"i don't know beomgyu...i like you too but we have so many fans that are watching and i'm just affraid.." the blonde confessed as he looked down

"then we'll keep it a secret."

"but if it leaks it will be such a scandal."

"then we won't let anyone see it."

taehyun chuckled frustrated "you're impossible to argue with." he said as he looked back at beomgyu tilting his head "what can i say i'm passionate about the people i like." beomgyu said as he leaned closer to taehyun smirking.

"so...?" beomgyu asked as his eyes shined with hope "i'll think about it." taehyun said in a teasing tone and beomgyu sighed clenching his jaw "alright.." the brunette said as he turned to pack up his he zipped up his bag and walked to the door he said "you have until we get into the car." and he walked put leaving taehyun chuckling at his words.

as taehyun walked to the car and waved at all the fans waiting outside he saw that the door of the car was wide open and he smiled as he looked at the ground.he quickened his pace and got into the car and closed the door leaving all the fans screaming their names.

he got comfortable and looked at beomgyu who had his eyes closed and his head was resting against his hand.the younger smiled and beomgyu opened his eyes smiling back "manager-nim i'll close this because we're quite exhausted and we want to sleep for a bit." beomgyu said and closed the tinted glass panel that separated them and his manager/driver.

"i'm listening." beomgyu said as he turned his whole body facing taehyun making the blonde smile. "do i have to say it?" taehyun asked as he frowned in cringe and beomgyu just nodded before speaking "alright how about this.." he said and leaned closer to taehyun their lips insanely close "would you like to go out with me?" beomgyu asked smiling like the devil and taehyun inhaled shakily "yes.." he said very quietly that beomgyu almost didn't hear it.

but thankfully he did.

beomgyu smiled wider and leaned in kissing the latter finally.


n e ways excuse my wild behavior i am currently going insane because of finals and i have my math final next week and i am shitting in my pants because of how scared i am cuz if it comes to u as a surprise i SUUUCK at math so ahah yeah i will prolly commit suicide after so enjoy this maybe last oneshot 🤪🤘🏻

if i don't decide to let any other oneshot out of my 'notes app' basement cuz there's like 40 oneshots ready to be posted i just kinda forget them and then i read through them and i'm like 'damn this is actually good' and then i just never post it and it collects dust and spiderwebs

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