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taehyun and beomgyu are classmates and they have gotten pretty close over the last year or so.after spending a lot of time together they obviously developed SOME feelings towards each other but beomgyu felt deeper feelings for the blonde.

they were currently on facetime (ignore that taehyun has a samsung.) just talking since it was spring break and taehyun just got home from a trip with his family which means they haven't seen each other for a while.

"i miss you..can't we meet up?" beomgyu said in a deep and tired tone "i'm sorry but know how strict my parents are" taehyun said as he laid on his back with his phone propped up against a plushie next to him.

taehyun was well aware about beomgyu's feelings and he appreciated it and enjoyed every second of it but he was still confused about how he himself felt towards beomgyu so he just kept quiet about the whole situation while he figured everything out.

"alright well..i'll go to sleep now..good night tyun~" the elder said in a sweet voice.taehyun smiled "good night hyung" he said and they hung up.

it was now like 10 minutes later and taehyun was still wide awake just scrolling through his phone when suddenly beomgyu started calling him.he picked up frowning "hello?" he said and he heard that the male on the other side was panting like crazy "open up." he said and now taehyun was even more confused "what?"

"open the door please."

taehyun widened his eyes as he sat up in his bed "wHAT?!" he yelled but quickly put a hand over his mouth before continuing "are you crazy?!" he said whispering.he heard beomgyu chuckled deeply "would you rather have me knock the the door and have your parents open the door for me?" he asked as he still panted.taehyun quickly got out of bed "don't you dare knock on that door choi beomgyu" he said and ran downstairs quietly opening the door.

"hi~" beomgyu said and smiled while taehyun stood there mad "what are you doing here beomgyu?you know i can't let you parents are very strict about that and plus my mom already doesn't quite enjoy that i'm friends with you."

the cold breeze blew and beomgyu shivered as his hair danced in the wind.taehyun felt bad because he didn't want the older to freeze to death "c-come in i—" he groaned annoyed about the whole situation "just be quiet." he said and beomgyu nodded.

as the two stood by the door now inside beomgyu looked at the younger lovingly "don't be mad please?" he said making it sound like a question.

taehyun quickly turned his head towards the staircase when he heard footsteps.he quickly grabbed beomgyu by the hand and dragged him to the closest place he could think of...the bathroom.

he closed the door and locked it turning on the light.he turned on the water and beomgyu just watched how the water fell from the shower head.

knock knock knock.

"taehyun-ah are you alright?" his mom asked and taehyun just sighed stressed.he felt beomgyu slide his fingers between the blondes and interlocking their fingers whilst caressing the back of taehyun's hand with his thumb trying to comfort the younger.

it worked because taehyun felt more at ease.

"yes mom i'm okay just taking a shower." he said calmly. "alright well get some sleep because you're on your own tomorrow." his mom said before walking away.taehyun turned to beomgyu and the brunette was frowning "what does she mean by that?" he asked whispering "they have work tomorrow and my sister has plans with her friends so i'm home alone tomorrow." taehyun explained and he saw a smirk slowly grow on beomgyu's lips "you know what that means right?" he asked as he rose his eyebrows "i can sleep over tonight." he continued as he pulled taehyun a bit closer by the hand he was still holding.

taehyun shook his head "hell no!my parents would actually kill me!" beomgyu nodded as he looked to the floor and then up again looking at his surroundings.taehyun did the same even though he knows every bit and part of this bathroom.


warm water dripping down on him was all taehyun felt.

he looked up at beomgyu his mouth wide open. "you— what the fuck?!" he asked mad rising his voice.beomgyu just shrugged " you want me to get sick as i go home all soaking wet in the cold weather?" he asked as he tilted his head to the side.taehyun chuckled "are you trying to blackmail me?" he asked jokingly "no.but if that's what it takes for me to spend time with you then i have no other choice." beomgyu answered.

taehyun shook his head "you're a real nemesis you know that right?" he asked and beomgyu just nodded "i've heard so yes." this was it.this was the moment and beomgyu wasn't letting it pass by.

he leaned in and tried kissing the blonde but to his surprise the kiss was dodged.he looked at him frowning looking very offended "you think i'm letting you kiss me after you got me soaking wet?" taehyun asked in a sassy tone and beomgyu chuckled in disbelief.he just looked at taehyun almost communicating with his eyes.

"don't be so stubborn." he said as he tried leaning in for a kiss again for it to be dogged AGAIN!he was now starting to get a bit pissed "yah." he said rising his eyebrows and taehyun just tilted his head smiling sheepishly.beomgyu wrapped his free hand around the blondes delicate waist and pulling him close and just connecting their lips quickly.he felt taehyun smile against his lips before he slid his hand behind the brunettes neck and up in his hair tangling his fingers in it.

warmth blossomed in beomgyu's chest sparks flying high lips brushing together for the first time.he could taste the mint toothpaste still lingering on taehyun's lips oh so lightly.he could smell the freshness of taehyun's skin and it was intoxicating to him.

their bodies pressed up against each other and the kiss slowly progressing into a more firm one.beomgyu's hands roamed all over taehyun's upper body before settling on the sides of the blondes neck and his fingertips meeting behind taehyun's neck.

on taehyun's side as soon as their lips met a tingling sensation ran through his body.he felt beomgyu's hands start to explore his body and his lips moving against his with a slight that moment nothing else mattered...not how his parents could catch them and ground him for life nor how his parents were probably still awake wondering why their son is in the shower so long.none of that mattered as long as beomgyu's lips were against was a moment that would tag along with him for the rest of eternity after the kiss would end.

soon enough beomgyu pulled away from the kiss and taehyun leaned along lightly almost like he wasn't ready for it to end.beomgyu rested his forehead against taehyun's and feeling taehyun's hot shaky breaths against his lips.he pecked the blonde one last time to really finish everything.he looked at taehyun who got all shy and smiley leaning closer to the brunette and burying his face in the crook of the latters neck.beomgyu chuckled and turned off the water and taehyun looked up at him "why'd you do that my family will hear everything" he said as he reached for the water switch but beomgyu just took his hand "what will they hear?how you're giggling and hiding your face after i kissed you?" he asked making taehyun sure of the fact that his heart just definitely skipped a beat.

"j-just that t-they'll hear us talking.." taehyun said avoiding eye contact and beomgyu just leaned in kissing him but not for long "then don't talk.."


high tension is all i can say.

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