go hoe or go home

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the party was huge with like hundreds of people walking around the house and the backyard..overwhelming for some but not for beomgyu nor taehyun.

they liked these typed of settings because you never knew who you could run into.maybe someone you've been wanting to meet for the longest time.

beomgyu went to the drink table out in the backyard to get himself another drink.

as he was nodding his head to the beat of the music he saw from the corner of his eye that someone came up next to him to get a drink as well.he turned his head and to his surprise it was a guy with ebony hair that he has been wanting to meet for weeks now.

"oh!kang taehyun!" he said as his eyes widened.the younger looked at him and was just as shocked "beom...gyu?" he guessed.beomgyu just laughed "yeah...i didn't think i'd meet you here." he said as he poured coke in his cup to reduce the bitter taste of alcohol.

"same...but how do you know who i am?" taehyun asked frowning.

"i've seen you on soobins instagram page." he said "same question goes to you.." he continued and took a sip of his drink.

"same answer." taehyun said chuckling.

as beomgyu tried to say something soobin announced through a megaphone that everyone had to gather to play a drinking game so the two males just smiled at each other and went to the circle of people making it in time to get some seats on the ground next to each other.

"so the game is called 'go hoe or go home'" soobin said as he showed everyone the box..well not exactly everyone because most people were just partying not paying attention to what soobin had said.

"so anyone who wants to go first?" soobin asked and beomgyu rose his hand in the air "i'll go first." he said and soobin handed him the box of cards and he just picked one and read what it said 'call out the sexiest player and that person has to take five shots'

luckily enough soobin had prepared a big bottle of vodka and some shot glasses.

"kang taehyun." he said loud and clear.

the raven haired male looked at him confused "what did it say?" he said as he snatched the small card out of beomgyu's hand and as he saw what it said he felt heat rush to his cheeks.

"drink up." beomgyu said as he leaned closer to taehyun and smirked.

and he did.

the game went on some crazy things were revealed but beomgyu and taehyun just chatted and were all giggly all the time until it was finally taehyun's turn to pick a card.

it read:
'take a photo with the hottest player'

he took out his phone and looked at beomgyu "smile." he said and took a selfie with the brunette and beomgyu tilted his head "what did it say?" he asked and taehyun smiled sheepishly "take a photo with the biggest bimbo." he said and beomgyu just rolled his eyes playfully and took the card and read what was written on there.

he smirked "why thank you..taehyun." he said as he looked the younger in the eyes.

things beomgyu got to know about taehyun is that the raven is a year younger than him so it makes taehyun 19 and he also got to know that he is a vocal major in the same school beomgyu goes to.he figured they hadn't run into each other because of the fact that beomgyu doesn't really visit the vocal major building that often he just usually waits for soobin at the front gate.

it was now beomgyu's turn again and he picked the card and he saw his life flash before his eyes.


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