Chapter 13: The performance

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Miranda was really nervous about showing her performance for the first time ever in front of many people. The cafe was fully packed with individuals that wanted to watch all the performers who wanted to perform for the cafe. Miranda sat down backstage tuning her guitar as she waited for her turn to be on stage.

"This is it?" She quietly says as she gets ready.

"Guess you finally show up for once." A snotty female wolf came in with a smirk.



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Miranda lost her smile as her long known pure rival came in backstage with her guitar and gear as well.

"You know you still have a long way to go from being a big shot to being a musician rockstar Miranda. You think people will love you?" Julie asked.

"Yes, because you can't break me from doing this. You think you are better than me just because of the last performance?" Miranda asked as she tried to calm down.

"So typical. You know Fred left you for me, just because I proved you wrong the last time we competed in the talent show last year at school." Julie says.

Miranda growled a little since Julie touched a nerve.

"Go fuck yourself Julie. I will prove you wrong bitch." Miranda says with an angered tone.

"Fine then, cunt." Julie says as she knocked down her guitar on purpose while passing by."

Miranda picked her guitar up and tried to calm down and tried not to let Julie get to her. She kept remembering the horrible memories of Julie ruining her life just because she was better than her at playing metal music and took everything from her, even the person she used to love a couple of years ago. Fred was her boyfriend a couple of years ago when she was starting her interest in being a guitarist in metal rock. Julie was one of the most popular guitarists in school as she looked down on others especially Miranda since she was good as her.

Julie decided to ruin her chance when she did something to Miranda's guitar strings when she wasn't looking before she went on stage for the school talent show. The guitar strings broke when she started playing and she became a laughing stock and ruined her chance to show her performance and Fred just dumped her for Julie.

Miranda starts dropping tears of the horrible flashback, but brushes it off as she waits for her turn to do her performance. Julie was first and she played one of the best songs from the best fur band ever made. Everyone started cheering for her as she played well. After the song ended, Julie bowed and went backstage.

"Good luck, loser." Julie says as she gave her a gesture to go on stage.

Miranda flipped her off as she went to stage and got her guitar ready as she walked up to the mic and hesitated a little since stage fright was getting to her a little. She took a deep breath as she started playing her guitar. She started singing her favorite song as she played her guitar very well. The crowd was astonished by how she played and started cheering for her. She smiled as she had her confidence back and played off to her peak with her guitar.

The crowd even cheered louder for her as she did her guitar solo as she practiced for a long time. Miranda played faster while playing the notes well till the song finally ended. The crowd cheered for her as she took a breather and smiled as everyone applauded her and proved Julie wrong as she saw her angry just because of that.

After the event ended, Miranda walked home with her stuff until she felt something hit her in the back of the head hard before she fell face first into the grass.

"You think you can get away with what you did?" Julie asked.

"How did I even get to be with her in the first place?" Fred asked as he grabbed Miranda's guitar.



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"Maybe she fooled you honey." Julie says as she took the guitar from him and smashed it onto the concrete.

Miranda started to cry as she looked at her guitar being smashed into two. Fred and Julie laughed at her before walking away.

"Next time Miranda. Learn another hobby. You don't deserve to be a musician like us." Julie says as she follows Fred home.

Miranda got up as she wiped her tears while she picked up her broken guitar. Her guitar that she got from her mother before she passed. Miranda picked up the remains before she continued walking home depressed.

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