Chapter 29: Justice?

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Josh and Cathy froze as they didn't know what to do as the cops came to them to ask questions. Cathy held his hand to help him stay calm as the female leopard came to them.

"Sorry to stop you two for a moment, we just received a report of a break in around this area. We are just wondering if you guys saw anything suspicious around here." She asked.

"No, nothing at all. We are just heading back home from dinner." Cathy says as she tries to hide her anxiety."

"Are you alright?" The German shepherd asked as he came close.

"Yeah, we're fine. Really." Josh says as he tries to stay calm.

"Sounds like you're not. It sounded like you two committed a crime." The German Shepherd joked a little.

"Bert. Please do not jump to conclusions. We are just here to get some information." The Leopard says as she continues to ask them for information.

"So you never seen anyone suspicious around here?" She asked.

"No we haven't. We just came from that way." Cathy says as she points at a connecting street."

"Okay, well if you see anything, let us know. The Leopard cop says.

"Okay. We will, Officer." Josh says.

"Are you sure?" Officer Bert asked.

"We're sure." Cathy says while nervously smiling.

"Come on Bert. Let's get going. We still need to head to that house for the investigation." The female officer says.

"Fine, Scarlet. You two stay out of trouble. "Bert says as he went into the squad car with Scarlet.

As they drove away, Josh and Cathy felt relieved as they thought they could've got caught by the wrong idea.

"God, Why?" Josh asked as continued back to the bus stop.

  "I don't know. That was a close call. We could've been arrested for drug possession. Cathy says as she leans on the sign while trying to get rid of anxiety.

"You took some heroin?" Josh asked while shocked.

"For proof. So he can get what he deserves. He could get capital murder as payback."

"How would they know that he made it?" He asked while he tried to stay calm.

  "It has his fingerprints on the bag. So I double bagged it to preserve it for Ashley and Olivia." Cathy added.

"That could work, but this journal has his confession in it. And Julie was involved in this as much as Fred is." Josh explains.

"I knew she had something to do with this as well." Cathy says.

"We better head back to the police station while we have the chance." Josh suggested.

"It's really late. They could be off duty right now. I say we better wait till tomorrow."

"Jesus... I'm so antsy just to do this for Miranda. We can't wait till tomorrow. Fred could find out that the Journal is gone." Josh protested.

"Wait." He paused for a moment as he dug through his pockets.

"What?" Cathay asked while confused.

"I remember I had Olivia's phone number and I'll call her right now." Josh says as he found the paper Olivia gave him earlier and dialed her on his phone.

Meanwhile, Olivia was sleeping in her bed until her phone started to ring on her nightstand. She moaned as she tried to reach for it while face down on the pillow.

"Who is calling me at a time like this?" Olivia frustratingly spoke as she grabbed it and looked at the screen and noticed it was an unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?" She asked while still a little tired.

"Olivia. It's me, Josh. I have an emergency here."

"What's wrong?" She asked while a little concerned.

  "I found some proof of who killed Lizzie Withers! I just need you to pick me and Cathy up as soon as possible since we are on the east side of the city!" Josh explains.

"What street?!" Olivia immediately shouted as she got out of bed.

"Kench and 85th street. A bus stop intersection." Josh answers.

  "I'll be right there! Don't go anywhere!" Olivia shouted as she tried to put on some shorts and a sports shirt fast before she grabbed her gun and badge as she ran out the door immediately.

Back at the east side of town, Josh and Cathy waited nervously at the bus stop. Josh was cautious as he did a few tricks with the butterfly knife.

"I have a bad feeling about this. We shouldn't stay here long." Cathay says as she looks back.

"I know, but we just need to stay cool and not draw attention to ourselves. We just need to wait till Olivia gets here." Josh says as he waits on the bench.

"What if those cops come back? Standing here will make them suspicious as we told them we are heading back home. We don't know if it could be Olivia or Ashley in a squad car. And I'm terrified of keeping this heroin in my possession any longer." Cathy says nervously.   

  "I know. We just need to wait. I'm nervous too." Josh says as he looks back from the block away of Fred's house.

Just then a black Sedan pulled up and they noticed it was Olivia as she rolled down the window. She signaled them to get in the back seat and they did immediately. Olivia drove them out safely out of the east side and Josh immediately explained what they found as he gave her Fred's Journal.

"You broke into his house? Are you insane?" Olivia asked.

  "We had no choice. We had a feeling it was him and Julie as well since they knew Miranda and her mother. And besides they were creating heroin in his house as well. I have a bag of it with his fingerprints." Cathy explains.

  "Yeah, but you can't just go into someone's house without a warrant. You could get in serious trouble for that. Olivia explains.

  "I know, but he killed my friend's mother all along. He had to be punished for murder." Cathy says.

  "Ok. But if you have to be in court. You have to tell the truth about breaking into his house for evidence. You want to take the risk of going to jail for home intrusion?" Oliva asked.

"I'll do it. Keep Josh out of it." Cathy answers.

"What? I can't let you take the risk." Josh disagrees.

"Josh. If you decide to testify if it does go to court. You won't survive in jail because the inmates will destroy you because you're a human. If you get punished for breaking and entering." Cathy explains.

"Cathy. You don't deserve to be in jail either. I can't let you take the fall." Josh says.

"Josh, It's for the best. I even agree with Cathy because I don't want you to go to jail if the judge punishes you for breaking into Fred's house for evidence without a warrant or permission." Olivia butts in.


"No. You already went through enough Josh and you just started a good reputation and I don't want you to throw it away for us. You understand?" Cathy as she made him look at her in the eyes.

Josh didn't want to agree with it, but he had no choice but to say yes.


Fred was wondering who broke into his house, but nothing he was missing, and no one even took the heroin he left in the kitchen. Luckily he hid it well before calling the cops for the break in. Just then, he noticed the cops came back and thought they had info about who broke into the house.

As he answered, the cops immediately handcuffed him behind his back.

  "What the fuck are you doing?! What are you arresting me for?!" He shouted with anger and confusion.

  "You are under arrest for the murder of Lizzy Withers." The Lion officer says before placing him in the back of the squad car with Julie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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