The Apollo Brothers; Chapter Two

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                “Maddy!” Andrew yelled waving airily. He seemed over enthusiastic to see me. I smiled politely and pulled my hoodie over my head. I didn’t even know how he could see me from such a far distance. I slowly walked up the steps from the front foyer, my hands in my pockets and my iPod on ‘ET’ once again. I was addicted to the song, astounded by the idea of my own extraterrestrial man. I wasn’t a full blown believer of aliens, but what if? What if there were other life forms in the universe. I always imagined them with six eyes and green slimly skin. I snickered while humming the tune before I entered my fast period of the day.

                The first thing I noticed once I walked into class was the immense atmosphere. Everybody was muttering discretely. I glanced over to the centre of attention. Zane Apollo. His immense eyes hovered around in search for something. I slowly made my way to an empty table, trying to be as discrete as possible, tip-toeing to the desk that awaited me. Then, Zane’s eyes found mine. I could feel an instantaneous feeling of lust towards him, as though his eyes ignited a train of feelings.  The rest of the students in class all turned watching me. They wanted to know what Zane was thinking. I could feel myself going red before I sat down and turned to face the front of class. Everybody began to mutter, increasing in volume. Some were even giggling quietly. I was paranoid that they were laughing at me. I reached at my hoodie and pulled it over my head and sunk into my seat in hope that nobody could see me.


                “I don’t think so,” sneered the librarian behind her thick rimmed spectacles. Her nose was small and pointy. She scrunched it in an unfriendly manner.

                “But I need it for class?” I urged. The librarian wouldn’t let me borrow another book till I had returned one of my four books. It was absurd. I needed all four of them for each class. Plus a fifth one.

                “It’s not happening. The borrowing limit is four,” she insisted, pointing her scrawny fingers to the sign in front of me. I could feel myself boiling. What kind of a dumb rule was that? There were five classes, and every class needed a book!

                “Look! Miss. I need-”

                “Mrs. Hopkins, what my friend is trying to say, is that she was instructed by her teacher to borrow this book. Would you kindly allow her another?” interjected a melodic voice. I knew who it was without even looking. It was Zane. His voice was unmistakable. I heard it in class earlier when he answered a question. The librarian – Mrs. Hopkins – smiled kindly and agreed without any words of protest. She scanned the barcode of the book and handed it to Zane instead of me. He nodded in a respectful manner to thank her. I slowly made my way to the top of the stairs and waited for Zane to join me.

                Breathe in and out, calm down. And act cool Maddy. You can do this.

                Zane walked up to me, with my book in his hands. He was wearing a flannel sleeved shirt with black denim jeans, and converses. He looked so sexy in converses. I wished all guys wore them. He wore a cross around his neck. His tousled hair was just perfect, and before he reached me, he shot me a winning to – die – for smile. I could see a small dimple on his left cheek.

                “I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself before,” he stated sincerely, peering down at his shoes. He looked up before he continued further. “I’m Zane Apollo, it’s my pleasure to meet you.” He exclaimed and smiled once more. Only this time, the smile was giving off a subliminal message of seduction, or so it seemed. His perfectly red lips rose to the side and his pearly whites were almost as though they were from an advertisement. I froze in my spot – speechless, attempting not to hyperventilate from being a pinky finger distance from him.  His compelling bluish – grey eyes, watching me. I could feel myself heating up, embarrassed for absolutely no reason at all. We only just stood there. It was the most intense moment I had, and all we were doing was staring at one another till he finally made a move.

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