Goblet of Fire 🔥🔥

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Before 4th Year Starts, Harry has A Massive Change.

And with Dobby's Help, Harry has Been getting A good diet. Harry had bonded with Dobby As Dobby wanted to be Harry's elf.

Dobby has been Going to Sirius and giving him Food And letters from Harry as Hegwig is easy to  Recognise.

With a good diet and all the exercise Harry had been doing Since he went back to the Dursleys. (Harry started to exercise To be stronger to protect his loved ones) (Hermione mostly) Harry has grown Muscular, and Now has the body of a swimmer. Harry Is now around the height of 5'11( You can choose different if you want)

Harry has Gotten Dobby to take him to gringotts, And Harry finds out that he has an account manager. Harry is confronted by his manager about ignoring the letters he has sent, Harry Explains that the only letters he gets are ones from Hogwarts and his friends.

His manager Gets Harry to put his blood on a piece of parchment That shows all the wards, Spells and potions that he has in/On him and finds he has owl redirection Spells and Wards on him, And that Harry has 2 Bindings On his Magical Core One from his father When he was a baby that was supposed to Remove automatically when he was 5, but when the other binding was done by Dumbledore when he was just over a year old Affected the other binding.

The one his dad put on him was to help Him control his magic since he was to Powerful as a baby.

The one Dumbledore put on him was to bind  30% Of his core until it was removed, It is horrendous to have that type of binding on his core as It affects His wand Choice, And since the wand isn't a perfect fit it affects his spellwork So it is a miracle Harry could do powerful spells like the Patronus.

Harry is Furious that Dumbledore put another binding on his core and they affected the one his dad put on him for his safety.

Harry then asks his manager is their a parchment that will do his family tree.

His manager explains there is one but It just has the Inheritances he can claim.

Harry does it and finds He has multiple Inheritances, Potter, Black, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Peverell And Lefay (You can choose different if you want) Harry has the black beacuse Sirius named him as his heir All the rest are from his mother and Father.

Harry has been thinking of Hermione since she was petrified And when she flew on buckbeak He thought about her more.

Harry has no idea why he is always thinking of Hermione.

So Harry asks Sirius what is wrong with him because he can't stop thinking about Hermione in weird ways like how she bites her lip when she reads, How she Sits so straight in class, How when she hugs Harry he can feel her Rubbing his back and he is the only one she does that to And more things he noticed about Hermione.

Sirius thinks it's hilarious and tells him James was exactly like that With Lily.

And that when Harry realises he is in love with Hermione.

When Harry goes to the world cup Hermione is Shocked to see how handsome he has gotten.

Harry has always thought Hermione was pretty but now that he knows he is in love with her she looks like a goddess to him.(Harry is amune to The vela Allure He only has eyes for Hermione.) (Make that a Potter thing once a Potter is truly in love they only have eyes for that person and That's why Potter marriages have always been for love and that's why James was madly in love with Lily)

When Harry Goes to Hogwarts for 4th year he gets a lot of looks as now he is one of the most handsome boys in school.

(Please include Snape And Draco Bashing And No redemption for them, Ron is an ass),(Maybe Ron bashing)

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