Natasha sent to Seduce Oc but falls in love with him

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He is in his 30s. 

He can control Fire, Water, Earth and Air.(Like the avatar from Avatar the last Airbender)

He was born with his powers, But they didn't appear for years.

But when his powers did appear his dad didn't hate him but he actually helped him learn to control his powers And got him in all the marital arts classes he could find. 

Learning martial arts helped with controlling his powers and by the time he was in his teens he was able to use his fire, water, Earth and air with his movements. 

Years pass and he has excellent control of his powers. 

So he makes 4 completely different outfits with full masks and wigs.

He has A all Red outfit, All Blue Outfit, All Brown Outfit And a All White Outfit. 

When he is in Red he only uses his fire,When in Brown only uses Earth, in Blue only uses Water and when in White he only uses air.

He does this to try to hide his identity by making it look like their are multiple vigilantes.

Fury finds out about the vigilantes and like everyone else thinks he is multiple people. 

But after a couple of years of not being able to find out the group of vigilantes identitys he sends his best agent Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha is able to find out that it's actually just one guy in different outfits and wigs.

When she tells fury that it's one guy she is ordered to find out his identity and seduce him.

She follows orders and "accidentally" runs into him before asking for his number.

And right off the bat he is different from all the other men she has been made to seduce as on the first date he doesn't try to get in her pants like the others.

And even though she is wearing a revealing dress he only gave her a look over, complimented her and then kept eye contact and he actually paid attention when she was telling him about the backstory she was assigned. 

When multiple dates pass and the only thing he has ever done was kiss her cheek or forehead. 

She starts to genuinely fall for him. 

Multiple fandom fanfiction ideas Part 2Where stories live. Discover now