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𝕳𝖊 𝖘𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖓 a nice armchair by the fire on a nice summer night. Wormtail was somewhere in the house, probably exploring. Nagini was exploring too, perhaps looking for some mice or rats to eat. He was weak, and as he would never admit it, a bit worried. If Wormtail left him. . . but Wormtail would not leave him.

Wormtail. . . He sneered. The coward of a man. Of course, he'd done some good things. . .He'd run into Bertha Jorkins while looking for his truly. It had been a stroke of good fortune for him. . . And Wormtail had discovered even better news. . . news that Voldemort was going to be cautious about. . . oh yes.

Wormtail had gone to the Potter house, slipping into the house in the dark of night. No one had ever been in it and Wormtail had gone to retrieve his wand, and there, Wormtail had discovered something. . . in the basement.

A pink crib. . . meant for a girl and not a boy. . . but there were no signs of whether the girl had been born or not. . ..

He'd heard nothing of a girl that was Harry Potter's sister. Perhaps the woman had been pregnant when he'd murdered her. . .That would explain why the crib was in the basement, not a bedroom.

But there could be a chance she was alive. . . and he would track her down along with her brother. . . Harry Potter. . .

Wormtail believed that he had actually seen the girl. She went by the name Elizabeth Kane, he said. She looked just like Lily Potter, Wormtail said. . . but Wormtail's word was not perfectly valid. Many people could look like Lily Potter, it did not mean they were related.

But he would not get his hopes up, oh no. There were other things to focus on than a girl who may or may not exist. For instance, bringing himself back to full strength. There were many sacrifices that would need to be made. His lips curled back from his teeth and he looked more animal than human at that moment. . . if you could call what he was in his state human to begin with.

There were clumsy steps on the stairs. Wormtail had returned. . . as Lord Voldemort had always known he would.

Wormtail went over to the fireplace, shaking, a weak coward. He picked up the bottle and brought it over to the man sitting in the chair. It was a humiliating process, but he was willing to do so if it meant he would be brought back to power.

Wormtail barely looked at him. . . he saw and was pleased. Even in this reduce state, there were those who would cower before him.

He was done drinking though there was still more in the bottle. Wormtail put it back down on the ledge of the Fireplace and said, "There is a little more in the bottle, My Lord, if you are still hungry."

"Later." He said. His voice was all wrong, squeaky and high. "Move me closer to the fire Wormtail."

Wormtail quickly moved behind his chair and pushed with all his might, moving it little by little towards the fireplace until he was warm enough.

"Where is Nagini?" He asked.

"I- I don't know, My Lord. She set out to explore the house, I think. . ." Wormtail said nervously. Rats were always scared of snakes.

"You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail. I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly." Voldemort said, relaxing in the chair.

"My Lord." Wormtail said after a pause, "may I ask how long we are going to stay here?"

"A week." Voldemort said. "Perhaps longer. The place is moderately comfortable, and the plan cannot proceed yet. It would be foolish to act before the Quidditch World Cup is over."

Elizabeth Kane and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now