Chapter 13

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"𝕸𝖆𝖞 𝕴 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 your attention." Snape said coolly at the end of a potions lesson. He looked extremely bitter. I assumed that whatever it was, he didn't actually want to tell us. All the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws stared at him expectantly.

His mouth was set in a grimace. "It is my unfortunate duty to educate you on an event that is happening on Christmas. The Yule Ball." Some of the girls giggled and he glared in their direction. "The Yule Ball is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament- unfortunately- and will be open to fourth years and above. However, you may invite a younger student if that suits you."

The girls, despite his glares, giggled again. I grinned, my cheeks red. "Dress Robes are to be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock and end at midnight in the Great Hall. Now get out."

The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws sprang up and dashed for the door, the girls are congregating in the hallways to laugh and talk about whatever they were talking about. I rolled my eyes and got up much slower, stuffing my textbook in my bag.

"Who are you going with?" Snape asked from behind his desk, not looking at me, "I'm sure you've foreseen it."

I paused, "No, I haven't actually. It's not Fred- He's going with Angelina Johnson. Ced's going with Cho. Harry's going with Parvati, Ron's going with Padma, and Viktor Krum is going with Hermione. So that doesn't leave much for me. I'm thinking about not going."

Professor Snape scoffed, throwing a stack of parchment in the trash. "Yes because I'm sure only five boys like you in the entire school."

"I'm just saying I don't foresee me going with anyone." I paused and then in a teasing voice I asked, "Who are you going with? Professor McGonagall?"

"Funny." he said, sitting down behind the desk. "Get out."

"Yes sir." I said sweetly, and smiling, left the room.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊 seemed filled more with girls than with boys by the time Christmas break started. I wondered if the boys had all escaped, or if it just seemed like there were more girls because I was hoping a guy would ask me.

Against my visions, Fred and Cedric asked me first and I told them who I'd foreseen them going with without even saying yes or no. They accepted my visions however and they both decided they would go with Angelina and Cho, respectively.

I was anxious again. Another mark against my visions. I was also sad, wishing that I had accepted one of their offers, despite my visions.

Hannah Abbott was going with Ernie Macmillan of course. They'd been dating for a couple of weeks. Susan was going with Zacharias. Seamus was going with Lavender. I wondered briefly who Dean was going with- or if he was going at all.

Harry and Ron approached me as the weeks continued. Harry still hadn't asked Cho and Ron hadn't asked anyone yet either.

"Look." I said, running my hand through my hair. "Here's the thing. Harry, you're going to ask Cho. Ron your going to ask Fleur Delacour. I'll meet you back at the Gryffindor common room tonight."

And so, later tonight, I waited a the portrait when Ron came tearing up the stairs, Ginny coming after him. "Why'd you make me ask her?" Ron asked, ashen face. I stared back, unamused.

"Fairy lights." Ginny said and I followed them in. Ron made his way to a far corner. Ginny was trying not to smile.

A moment later, Harry came up, looking equally depressed.

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