Chapter 20

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖆𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖔𝖔𝖓, I was sitting in Professor Dumbledore's office. He had just finished telling my dad everything that Barty Crouch had done and said, not bothering to gloss over the fact that he had tortured me or that I had no visions about myself and most embarrassingly of all- he told dad about the only vision I had ever had about myself. Dad seemed a bit horrified about that.

"Severus is my age!" Dad hissed, on his feet suddenly. "Elizabeth- what- I don't-"

Dumbledore looked tired and sad but he smiled. "I understand where you are coming from, and I have no idea how it will work out, but rest assured, there must be a reason that it happens and I can't think that it is a bad one. But now, I have a question for just the two of you. I believe you, Elizabeth, to be Harry's sister."

I looked up at dad who had turned a bit pink. I knew that he deeply admired Dumbledore and the last thing he wanted to do was lie to him. I stared down at my feet.

"It's obvious now, isn't it?" Dad finally asked.

"I've known about her existence for about 15 years now." Dumbledore said lightly.

Dad and I looked at him in amazement. I felt guilty for lying in my second year now. "How?" I asked.

"Severus went to James' house the night your parents died. He stayed outside the house and saw Sirius coming out with a second child, a girl. When you showed up to school. . . well you look extremely like your mother, except for James eyes of course. But what Severus recognized was the locket you wear. It was your mothers. Professor McGonagall recognized it as well. We three Professors are the only ones who know and I suppose Sirius and Remus know as well."

I hesitated and said, "Firenze knows too, and my friend Trang. But Harry doesn't. I. . . well when I was sorted into my house, the Sorting hat told me it was too dangerous for me to be in Gryffindor. . . obviously it probably should've just put me in there anyways considering. . ." I drifted off and then started up again, "Anyways. . . I found that I shouldn't tell Harry until after we graduate Hogwarts. I don't know why, I just do, so please?" I begged Dumbledore, "Please don't tell anyone else."

"Do not worry Elizabeth." Dumbledore said. "I was never going to tell anyone. Severus and Minerva have already promised not to tell a soul as well. Though I am curious about how Crouch believed Harry's sister was dead?"

I blushed. "Well, I told you my dream I had over the summer. Dad and I thought. . . well I mostly thought it up. . . if we put something in the house that showed there was a daughter but that she had. . . that she had. . ." I couldn't put the words forth and Dad finished for me.

"Elizabeth wrote up a sign that stated the birth and death of herself though under a different name. We put it in the crib in case Voldemort came checking on Pettigrew's story. I didn't want Elizabeth taken from me because she was Harry's sister. Though of course, I knew Voldemort was more likely after her visions anyways."

Dumbledore nodded. "Ingenious and well thought out. You do seem to have tricked him."

"And Crouch tortured you?" Dad said with a pale face. "You didn't say anything!"

"He was going to kill Professor Snape. . ." I said softly.

Dad snorted. "Could've taken care of himself, I would think."

"You don't understand." I said, twisting my hands in my lap. "When I was under the imperius curse, he made me steal from him. . . and he caught me and gave chase. . . and he spoke through me, saying he would kill me if Snape said anything to Dumbledore. So Snape went to Moody for help, because Moody was an Auror. . . but of course, Crouch was Moody. He made me. . . he made me. . . he made me go to Snape's office in the middle of the night. If he was going to kill him, he could've done it right then and there. But instead, he made me wake him up and. . ." I drifted off.

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