Chapter 2

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First week of July


𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖜𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 the blinds in a large tub of water and soap in the backyard. This was because every couple of years, the blinds collected dust and so I would wash them so that they could air dry and then they would get hung back up.

Trang was washing the drapes in a tub across from me and we chattered about the magical world and the Muggle world and everything in-between. We had about 10 windows in the house but only 6 of them had blinds. I'd already finished two sets, working slowly so I didn't cut my fingers. The blinds were old, but the edges were still sharp. And the cuts wouldn't be deep- they'd be like getting a paper cut. . .a plastic cut.

Trang had finished with half the drapes and hung them up on the clothes line to dry out. I got up, having finished my third set of blinds when I heard a somewhat familiar sound coming up on the stone path from the garden.

I set the blinds across the back of one of the chairs to dry and grabbed the fourth set, dumping them in the water and looked up as the man entered. He always came in through the back gate. He was wearing a green bowler hat that covered up half of his face. He was only wearing one shoe because his other leg ended with a clawed foot.

The half of his face that we could see was lined and scarred and Trang quickly turned around, her eyes bugging out of her head so she wouldn't seem rude.

I broke into a smile and called out, "Uncle Moody!"

His face broke into a grin and said, "Well hey there Elizabeth."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, getting up, shaking my hands so that the water would fly off before embracing him. He hugged me fiercely and when we let go I said, "If I'd known you were coming to visit I'd have made dinner sooner!"

Uncle Moody waved his hand as though dinner was a stupid occasion. "It's alright. I just wanted to talk to your dad for a moment, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." I said, pointing my thumb over my shoulder. "He should be in the living room."

Uncle Moody stomped in through the back door and I sat back down to wash up the rest of the blinds.

"Who is that?" Trang hissed. "What happened to him?"

"His name is Alastor Moody but everyone calls him Mad-eye." I stated, starting at the bottom of the blinds and wiping with a sponge to get all the dust and dirt off the blinds. "He's an Auror for the Ministry of Magic. He's one of the best Dark-Wizard catchers ever. Course, he's gotten a bit paranoid, which I don't blame him, but he's a good guy."

"But what happened to him?" Trang said again, more urgently.

"Oh, well the Dark-Wizards will fight back a majority of the time. Being an Auror is a dangerous job." I paused and then said, "It's the job that I want to go into."

"What!" Trang said. "You want to do that?"

"Well." I said. "It isn't as dangerous anymore because the Dark-Wizards usually lay pretty low. He's retired now." I paused again and said, "I know a lot of Death Eaters that are walking free right now. Lucius Malfoy and his wife- they only escaped because they made lots of donations and also because Malfoy said he was under the imperious curse. Then there's Macnair. He laid low. Nott and Rookwood were cleared." I made a sound of disgust.

"That's stupid." Trang said, frowning. "They shouldn't get out of. . . you guys have a jail?"

I nodded. "It's called Azkaban. The dementors guard it. They suck the life and happiness out of these people. My Godfather, Sirius Black was in there."

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