Chapter 12

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕳𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖑𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖜 a party for Cedric for being in first place. I didn't enjoy it much as whenever I was near someone they would mutter "Surprised she didn't go to the Gryffindor common room." Or "she's not even a Hufflepuff really."

Well, I wasn't. I was a Gryffindor put in the wrong house. Yet, at the same time, I was extremely defensive and wanted to shout "I am a Hufflepuff!"

But I was also to preoccupied with Barty Crouch to really celebrate. Watch my back? Was that suggesting that he knew about me being attacked in the Potions classroom? Was he really trying to get me to stay out of this? But what was this?

I couldn't stay out of anything. Why did Voldemort want to put him under the Imperius Curse? Wouldn't it have been better to go after someone who was higher up in the departments at the Ministry like an Auror or even the Minister himself?

Granted, there was a lot of security around the Minister but if Voldemort had imperiused a guard of the Minister, that would do the trick as well.

So it couldn't be that Voldemort wanted Barty Crouch as a weapon. Maybe he wanted Crouch's connections because he had a lot of them. But what connections did Voldemort want?

Or maybe, I thought, it wasn't about Barty Crouch at all. What if it was about the person that had been under the invisibility cloak. If I could figure out who that person was, maybe I could figure out what Voldemort was after. Or who.

I decided that the next time I saw Barty Crouch, I'd get him alone and question him. Of course, Dumbledore was going to be hard to avoid, considering he'd just seen me talking to Crouch when I'd told him weeks ago that there was nothing going on between the two of us. I suppose I could say I was asking him questions about what languages he spoke. It wasn't exactly a secret that I was thirsty for knowledge.

But it probably didn't look good that he'd grabbed my arm and jerked me back. I didn't have an explanation for that. My stomach twisted in knots, thinking about the lies I was going to have to come up with tomorrow or eventually, whenever Dumbledore called me to his office again.

Cedric eventually made his way over. I was sitting in the arm chair watching the other people mingle, thinking. Nothing about my visions had been different today, so that must be a good thing.

"Hey." He said, sitting down and handing me a drink. I took it without really looking.

"Hi." I said. "You did well today, but I'm sure everyone's telling you that." I looked away from the spot on the wall I was staring at to give him a teasing grin.

"Why didn't you tell me about the dragons?" Cedric asked.

I glared at him and then shrugged, "Because I already knew Harry was going to tell you." I looked at his face and then said, perhaps a bit angrier than I meant to, "And I didn't give Harry and tips either."

"I never said that you did." Cedric said drinking his drink.

Before another word could get in, a bunch of girls came and sat around him, blocking me out. I got up and went up to the Hufflepuff dorm, even as Cedric called my name, and laid down on the bed, putting my hands over my eyes. I sighed and rolled over and got out my art sketchpad.

I worked on the people first. I drew Ginny's outline with Charlie's arm around her and worked on them for a while till they looked perfect. I drew the twins in the middle with beards and in the same pose. Ron was sitting on the ground, Pigwidgeon sitting on his shoulder. Bill stood on the outside, his hands in his pockets and his ponytail flying out behind him. Percy stood straight as a board, but I did make him smile in the picture. His horn rimmed glasses were perched on his nose.

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