Chapter 1

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One month earlier.


𝖂𝖊'𝖉 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊 from Hogwarts for maybe two weeks when Trang came knocking on the door. Dad and I had been sitting on the couch reading the newspaper together. Quickly, dad put the newspaper down, upside down, so that if it was a Muggle, they wouldn't see the newspapers' pictures moving.

I got up, hoping that it was Trang and when I opened the door, I saw that my wish had came true- but she seemed nervous. No, not nervous. . .almost frightened. But I knew that could mean two things: she was hiding something from me and was worried how I'd react or something bad might've actually have happened. It was always hard to tell with Trang.

"H-hey Elizabeth?" She said, swallowing hard. "Can we. . . can we talk?"

I frowned and said, "Yeah, sure. Wanna come upstairs to my room?"

She'd paled, and then seemed to recover, and said, "Yes."

I let her in, closing the door behind her, and she followed me up to my room. I was a bit nervous, not sure if I'd put everything from school away. Trang didn't know about me being a witch and I certainly had to keep it like that.

I opened the door, peering in quickly. My broom was lying in the middle of the floor and I quickly picked it up and put it over in the corner, propped up. I wished at that moment it looked more like a broom to sweep floors with even though my bedroom floor was carpet.

Sadie's cage was in the corner, but she wasn't in it at the moment, she was off delivering an owl to Ginny, one of my school friends.

I sat down on the bed and Trang leaned against the wall, looking nervous.

"Well, spit it out." I said. "The suspense is killing me."

"I've been keeping this a secret for a really long time. . ." Trang said, "And I'm afraid you'll hate me for it. . .that I've kept it for so long."

For a split second, before she said what it was, I thought with dread that she was going to come out, saying she was gay, and say she had a crush on me. I wasn't going to be able to do that. I had enough people crushing on me as it was. And then, she said,

". . . I know you're a witch."

I blinked. "Sorry, what?"

Trang sighed. "You're a witch. Your dad's a werewolf. You fly on that broom right over there." She said, pointing to the broom that I had propped up in the corner.

I opened my mouth to protest and she said, "Don't lie- please. I was on a camping trip with my parents when I was seven. I watched your dad turn into a werewolf on that night, no one else was around."

I felt the color leave my face. "After that, I checked the calendar every time your dad had to leave for a trip." She continued.

It was too late, she knew, and I said, "Do you know how dangerous that was! He could've bitten you!"

Trang looked at me hesitantly and then pushed up her glasses that were slipping down her nose. "Are you mad that I know?"

I hesitated. And then I said honestly, "No. I just wished you'd told me sooner."

Trang blinked in surprise, "Really? I thought that there was some sort of magical secrecy code?"

I dropped my mouth. "How do you know about that?"

"Er-" Trang blushed. "I didn't- I assumed."

I rubbed my eyes and then my eyes lit up and I said, "Do you know how much stuff we can do now! I can bring you to Diagon Alley! We can ride brooms together!"

Elizabeth Kane and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now