Chapter 18

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𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖆𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊, it was because there were heavy footsteps on ladder rungs. I went to open my eyes, but they remained closed. I wondered if I was under the imperius curse, unable to move, and then realized I must have the full-body bind curse on me. My wrists, felt like there were circles of cold around them. I felt wood between my right hand. My wand- most likely. There was also a thin, silky feeling over me but I wasn't sure what that was.

Then, the voice that spoke was not Moody's or Crouch Jr.'s, but Dumbledore's and if I could've moved, I would've given a start. "Stunned- controlled by the Imperius Curse- very weak. Of course, they would have needed to keep him alive. Harry, throw down the impostor's cloak- he's freezing. Madam Pomfrey will need to see him, but he seems in no immediate danger."

There was a whooshing sound so I supposed Harry had dropped the cloak down. Why didn't Dumbledore see me? Then it occurred to me- If Crouch Jr. knew there was a possibility he'd get caught tonight, he'd want to hide me so that the Dark Lord would still get access to me- to my visions. Clever, too clever.

I heard footsteps on the ladder again, this time ascending but there was no sound of the trunk closing. I heard something like liquid splash against the floor.

"Polyjuice potion, Harry, you see the simplicity of it, and the brilliance. For Moody never does drink except from his hip flask, he's well known for it. The impostor needed, of course, to keep the real Moody close by, so that he could continue making the potion. You see his hair, the impostor has been cutting it off all year, see where it is uneven? But I think, in the excitement of tonight, our fake Moody might have forgotten to take it as frequently as he should have done. . . on the hour. . . every hour. . . we shall see."

There was silence and I supposed they were waiting to see if Dumbledore's prediction was true. Meanwhile, I tried to remember back to First-year Charms for the counterspell to the Body-bind Curse. Would I even be able to reverse it nonverbally? I wasn't so sure, I couldn't do many nonverbal spells- only the simple ones.

Then I heard a voice, Snape's voice say, "Crouch! Barty Crouch!" There was a scratch of what sounded like paws.

Then Professor McGonagall's voice, which was slightly high-pitched said, "Good heavens."

Then there was a squeaky voice that said, "Master Barty, Master Barty, what is you doing here? You is killed him! You is killed him! You is killed Master's son!" It must've been Winky, from the sound of it.

"He is simply stunned, Winky. Step aside, please. Severus, you have the potion? McGonagall did you find her?" Dumbledore asked.

There was silence from Snape, so I guessed that Professor Snape handed Dumbledore something. Professor McGonagall said, "No, no one has seen her since lunch time."

There was more silence and I wasn't sure what was going on and then Dumbledore said, "Ennervate."

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes." Barty Crouch Jr. muttered, so softly, I could barely hear him.

"I would like you to tell us, how you came to be here. How did you escape from Azkaban?" Dumbledore asked.

"My mother saved me. She knew she was dying. She persuaded my father to rescue me as a last favor to her. He loved her as he had never loved me. He agreed. They came to visit me. They gave me a draft of Polyjuice Potion containing one of my mother's hairs. She took a draft of Polyjuice Potion containing one of my hairs. We took on each other's appearance."

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