Chapter 7

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𝕴 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓'𝖙 𝖌𝖔 back to sleep that night, though I tossed and turned and dozed a bit before I jerked awake and continued to toss and turn.

After a few hours, Mr. Weasley woke us up and told us to take our stuff outside after it was packed. I got dressed back in my shorts and blouse (yellow this time) and put all my stuff in my bag and trooped outside. Mr. Weasley packed up the tents using magic and we marched behind him to get to the portkeys.

We passed Mr. Roberts who was standing on his front porch and said, "Merry Christmas" as we passed by. Trang gave him a sad look.

"Are you alright?" Trang whispered in my ear as Mr. Weasley told everyone else that Mr. Roberts was going to be okay.

"Oh, um, yeah, I just want to make sure dad knows we're okay." I said, biting my bottom lip. "The riot probably already reached the newspapers and he'll be worried."

We took a rubber tire (much bigger thankfully) back to the hill and we walked as fast as we could back to the Burrow. Percy and I walked as far apart from each other as we could. Fred and Charlie still seemed to be fuming from last night and, unless my eyes were deceiving me, there was a nice fresh bruise on Percy's right cheek. But it could've been a trick of light.

No one talked much. We were hungry and exhausted. We rounded a corner and the Burrow came into view. Then Mrs. Weasley was running out of the house and saying "Oh thank goodness, thank goodness." She flung her arms around Mr. Weasley. I ducked into the house, leaving the rest of them outside. I went upstairs and put my bag away. Trang had followed quickly and said, "What are you going to do? You look so upset?"

"Just tired." I lied, thinking about last night. "I'm going to take the floo network home. . . just for a couple of hours. Unless dad's not home and I'll just come right back. I just need to talk to him, okay?" I smiled at her and kissed her cheek. Sometimes I wondered if I was French. "Get some sleep tiger." Sometimes I wondered if I treated her more like a friend or a daughter.

I headed back down the stairs, this time Trang didn't follow me. The Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry were all sitting in the kitchen and Fred looked up as I came in.

I headed over to where the fireplace was and took a little floo powder. "Elizabeth?" Fred asked, standing up from the table.

The entire family looked over.

"I just want to check on dad." I said. "That's all."

"Are you sure?" Fred asked.

I hesitated and said, "It's probably best if I remove myself from the area for a couple of hours, it'll give some people time to cool down."

I stepped in the fireplace and threw down the floo powder and said dad's house and disappeared, falling out of the fireplace and into someone's arms. I looked up. Dad had been standing in front of the fireplace when I'd come out. One arm was wrapped around my waist to prevent me from falling, the other was away from me so floo powder didn't fall onto the bricks.

"Oh." I said. "Were you going somewhere?"

"Er- I was coming to the burrow to see if. . ." Dad cleared his throat and put the floo powder back into the canister and took off his traveling cloak. He tossed it on a chair and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I'm glad you're safe."

"I figured you'd be worried. Trang's okay too if you feel like dropping subtle hints to her parents." I said, burrowing my face into his chest. It was always so funny. . . bad things happened and then Dad was there to make everything okay. He was my safe rock.

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