Chapter 6

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𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖜𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖙 back to the tents, we all sat outside with our cups of cocoa. I was getting flashes now. They were hazy, lots of smoke and fire as though the tents were burning. I couldn't see a lot except black hoods and shadowy images. I frowned into the fire, not following the thread of conversation.

So, I didn't notice when Fred said my name about four times until Trang knocked my shoulder and I nearly dropped my hot chocolate.

"What?" I said loudly, looking up.

Everyone was staring at me.

"Did you see something. . . interesting?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

I was silent for a moment, not wanting to ruin the good mood, and then said, "Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it."

The others looked uncomfortable.

"What sort of bad thing?" Mr. Weasley asked urgently, "Here, you mean?"

I nodded, "But I don't know what, that's what I was trying to focus on. I think something is going to burn."

"Should we leave, dad?" George asked even though I was the one with the visions.

"No." I said, standing up. "We have to stay. . . for. . . for some reason I don't know." I said, frowning still and headed into the girls tent.

I went ahead and dumped my cocoa out. I had a headache and I dug Muggle Advil out of my bag, swallowing two with water before sliding into bed, falling asleep rather easily.


𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊, 𝕲𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖞, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 Trang were fast asleep when I woke up. I could hear faint screaming but it wasn't bad yet. I grabbed my wand and put my combat boots on my feet. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I slipped out of the tent.

The Death Eaters were just at Mr. Roberts house, only now lifting him and his wife and his children up into the air. There were only three death eaters, but more were approaching. I felt my stomach roll. Tents were blasted out of the way and the people in the tents tore out of them, screaming. This woke up others. I dashed back into my tent.

"Wake up!" I screamed, jolting Hermione, Ginny, and Trang awake. "Shoes on, grab a jacket, we need to leave now." I hurried over to Trang's cot. She was shoving her feet in her shoes and struggling to put on a jacket.

I dashed out of the tent. I saw someone duck into the Weasleys tent. "Stay here." I said to the other three. I rushed into the tent and screamed, "Mr. Weasley!"

"I'm getting them up Elizabeth! I'm getting them up!" He yelled. "Go into the forest."

Fred and George stumbled sleepily from the tent and followed me out. We were standing outside and one of the death eaters, turned, looking at us and shot a fireball at us. "Duck!" George yelled. I jumped in front and I heard Trang scream my name. "Augmenti!" I murmured. The water met the fireball, but didn't completely cancel it and, with another spell, I cancelled the fireball.

"Elizabeth!" Mr. Weasley said. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Harry, and Ron were out of the tent now. "Go with the others."

I didn't argue, grabbing Trang's hand, and pulled her in front of the others. Ministry Wizards pelted towards us and past us, towards the commotion. Trang was panting, looking terrified. "Why is Mr. Roberts in the air?" She asked me in a scared voice.

"Death Eaters, muggle-baiting." I muttered, slightly incoherent. I was mostly talking to myself. "Need to get you to safety."

Fred, George, and Ginny were very close behind us. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were after them. I slowed up a little. "Hurry up you three." They caught up with us.

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