Chapter 3

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𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 a start. What had woken me up? And then, I felt the burning pain against my chest, quickly sat up, lifted the heart shaped necklace off from around my neck, and tossed it across the room. It made a dull clunking noise as it hit the wall, falling to the floor. I slipped out of bed and crossed the room.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and pulled the ice cold knob out in the bathtub. The water pooled in the bottom of the tub while I undressed and then I climbed in, facedown, resting on my elbows so that the ice cold water would heal the burning mark on my chest.

Perhaps the bath was a mistake- my entire body was freezing except for the spot where my locket had burned me. Though, slowly but surely, my body started to adjust.

As I lay there, I thought about what this meant. The last time the locket had burned my chest was when Voldemort had possessed Professor Quirrell in my first year at Hogwarts. . . nearly three years ago.

I remembered my dream of course, every word of it. Voldemort suspected that I was Harry's sister. Of course, he would be right, but no one was supposed to know. I felt a shiver go through me, but it could've been the ice cold water.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, "Elizabeth?" Dad's voiced sounded sleepy, but concerned.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I asked. In my panic, I had forgotten to check what time it was. It could've been two in the morning for all I knew.

"Yes, but it's okay. Are you okay?" Dad asked, less asleep, still concerned.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it when I get out, okay? Or you can go back to sleep." I offered.

"I'll make breakfast." There was a pause and then he said, "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks." I whispered. I wasn't even sure if he heard me.

I heard his soft footsteps on the stairs. I laid there for a few more minutes, letting the cold water splatter against my chest under the faucet and trickled down into the drain. My back was starting to pain. . . perhaps my period was starting again. Trang had been right- periods were a terrible, awful, painful time.

It wasn't just myself I needed to be worried about. It was Harry too. And there was someone called Bertha Jorkins. Maybe I could prevent her death if the dream was a scene in the future. I had to get my hands on a newspaper.

I got out of the tub, wrapping a towel around me and trudging to my bedroom. I saw that Carter had landed on my windowsill, a present in his claws.

I fed him an owl treat for the delivery and he swooped off out the window. Sadie clucked her beak. I gave her a treat too.

I put the present aside, not opening it yet and got dressed. I turned on the light and checked where the locket had been lying against my chest. There was a large red mark but the heart had not seared on my chest. The red mark didn't even look like a heart, just a reddish-pink blotch.

It was strange. When Harry's scar burned, it was internal. When my chest burned- and I was sure it was caused by the locket- it was external. Why? How?

I picked the locket up off the floor and touched it gingerly. There was nothing wrong with it now. In fact, it was positively cool.

I put it down on the side table and pulled on my shoes and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. Then, grabbing Trang's present, I headed into dads' bedroom. I went over to where he kept the latest newspapers and flicked through them. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. There was nothing in the news.

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