Chapter Four: A Long Game Pt. 2

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With a small huff, Cathica spun on her heels and began to speedily walk away. The trio all shared worried and suspicious looks before quickly following after the woman, the Doctor in front of the two girls.

"Have you ever been up there?", the Doctor asked the dark-skinned woman curiously.

"Can't.", Cathica answered shortly, "You need a key for the lift and you only get a key with promotion. No one gets to 500 except for the chosen few."

This is quickly becoming something that Rebecca really doesn't like. She can feel her wolf prowling just beneath the surface. Something is definitely wrong her. Very wrong. Rebecca can practically smell it, and it's driving her and her wolf wildly. For whatever is going on, there is a very high chance that it will bring danger to her imprint and Rose.

As if sensing her anxiety, the Doctor slipped his hand into hers, causing Rebecca's head to whip up to him in surprise. He gives her a reassuring look, staring down at her with a soft expression. Rebecca took a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.

The Doctor gave her another quick reassuring smile, squeezing her hand comfortingly before letting her go as Cathica led them back inside the room they were just in before when Suki was promoted. Only this time, it was empty except for the group.

"Look they only give us twenty minutes maintenance, can't you give it a rest?", Cathica asked them tiredly as she takes out a clipboard and began to survey the room.

"What? You've never been to another floor, not even one floor down?", the Doctor asked, avoiding the question, sitting down in the chair the reminds Rebecca of one you'd sit in at the dentist as he spoke.

"Are all the floors the same then? Aren't there, like, entertainment or research areas or something that you need to get to?", Rebecca added on, curious about it all as well.

"Well, I went to floor sixteen when I first arrived, that's medical, that's where I got my head done.", Cathica explains to the group.

Rebecca while listened to the woman intently, she also watched the Doctor with a raised brow as he made himself comfortable in the chair. Then, he curiously began mess and fiddle with the buttons and controls on the armrest of the chair. The faces the Doctor made as he did all this were very much like the ones a child would make in the midst of his curiosity.

It was very enduring honestly.

"Then I came straight here.", Cathica shrugs as she worked on the room's maintenance, "Satellite 5, you work, eat and sleep on the same floor, and that's it, that's all."

The Doctor looked thoughtful as he continued to play with the buttons, Rose watching him as he did so over his shoulder. Rebecca remained where she was, outside the table, arms crossed, watching the entire interaction.

"You're not management, are you.", Cathica suddenly states, studying the strange trio intently.

"At last! She's clever!", the Doctor exclaims mockingly.

"Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve anything. I don't know anything.", Cathica insists as she marches away to the other side of the table.

"Don't you even ask?", the Doctor asked.

"Why would I?", Cathica asks incredulously.

"You're a journalist.", the Doctor pointed out insistently, then went back ti fiddling, "Why's all the crew human?"

"What's that got to do with anything?" Cathica asked cluelessly.

"There's no aliens on board.", the Doctor tells her pointedly, "Why?"

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