Chapter Three: The Long Game

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Rebecca searched through the wardrobe for some clothes to wear. More specifically a nice loose shirt and some short shorts, her foot wear would depend on her mood and/or the clothing she chooses.

As soon as the Tardis, that's the name of the blue box the Doctor and Rose had explained, the Doctor's spaceship, had taken off, the Doctor had given Rebecca a nice fuzzy robe, she is now currently wearing, that he had pulled from seemingly nowhere. Allowing the shifter to change back into her human form with no difficulties.

Much to Rose's delight and excitement at the sight, it honestly made Rebecca flush bashfully at how well she took it. Adam on the other hand scrambled away from her in surprise shouting unintelligible words, which was not as encouraging. But the Doctor just smiled at her and helped her to cover up, not once trying to sneak a peek, nor did he look awkward towards the fact that she was currently naked.

The Doctor just acted as if the entire thing was the most normal thing in the world. And that honestly made her feel the happiest out of the trio's reaction.

His nonchalance.

All her life, Rebecca has just wanted to feel normal, accepted. Something she has never quite felt for as long as she could remember. Not before she became a wolf, nor even after. Yet here, after only a mere hour of having met him, and showing him her nature, he accepted her easily.

Thinking back on it, brought a smile to Rebecca's face, but it was quick to turn back into a frown as another thought hit her.

Rebecca couldn't help but feel terrified at the thought of telling the Doctor that he is her Imprint. And what that means and may entail for the two of them. Fear that when he comes about that knowledge, the acceptance would be gone in a flash. As if it were never there.

Sensing her apprehension, the room around her groaned, somehow sounding soothing and reassuring as it did so. With the Doctor having explained to Adam and Rebecca that the Tardis is also apparently alive, Rebecca can only assume that the ship felt her anxiety and tried to calm her.

Which she had succeeded in.

"So, are you going to explain what that was?"

Rebecca stiffened at the sound of her Imprint's voice. He sounded wary, his voice in a lower tone in his seriousness. The Doctor leaned on the doorframe in the entryway; arms crossed as he stared at Rebecca coolly.

She felt a tiny wave of caution flutter through the connection at the Doctor's end, causing her wolf to whine sadly at their Imprint's wariness. We both just want to protect our Imprint; it hurts Rebecca to see how he looks at her. As if she were a potential threat, or even an enemy.

"What do you mean?", Rebecca asks softly, trying to figure out what she did wrong, mentally going through their entire adventure in Van Statten's bunker with the Dalek.

When nothing came to mind, Rebecca fearfully wondered if the Doctor's nonchalance towards her change was just an act. That he actually was just as horrified and disgusted as Adam was when she had shifted back to human.

Maybe the Doctor wants her to stay away from him and Rose. Maybe he doesn't want her. Thinks of Rebecca as a freak or a monster. Rebecca could feel her wolf howling in agony at the mere idea of being rejected by her Imprint.

"I mean that little trick you did while we were trying to trap the Dalek.", the Doctor says seriously, narrowing his eyes at her.

"I... I thought you were okay with the shifting?", she asks quietly, her voice almost a squeak from her nervousness.

The Doctor raised a brow, his expression softening at the sight of Rebecca fidgeting nervously, her fear and anxiety obvious and completely sincere.

"I am fine with your... you called it shifting?", the Doctor asks, his voice lightening with curiosity.

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