Chapter Five: A Break

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After taking off from Adam's, the Doctor parked the Tardis in the Time Vortex, double checking to make sure everything was well and they weren't going to land anywhere unintentionally, before turning to face his two companions.

It wasn't a needed check, but the Doctor needed a little more time to compose himself before he faced Rose and Rebecca after leaving Adam behind.

"Alright, I think that's enough adventuring for today.", the Doctor announced with a wide, fake, grin, loudly clapping his hands as he spoke, causing the two girls to jump from the sudden loud sound, "I've parked the Tardis inside the Time Vortex, we'll float here for a while. For the next couple of days, we're going to be taking a little bit of a break."

Rebecca sighed in relief at the announcement. In all honestly, Rebecca was grateful for the reprieve. It may have been only two adventures, but it's a little much for Rebecca's first couple of adventures. Plus, she's still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she won't ever be returning home.

It's because of the pack bonds, like Rebecca had told the Doctor earlier, she didn't run or leave the pack, but she is no longer on the same 'plane', she's just guessing that part really. But whatever is the reason, the bond had snapped. Telling Rebecca that her pack and home are no longer there. No longer within reach.

And she may have finally comprehended and accepted the fact that she has found her imprint, but that's the only thing. Rebecca needs time to sort through the others now.

But while Rebecca was relieved, Rose was not as happy, nor grateful, for the decided break.

"Seriously?", Rose said incredulously, "Do you mean we just rest for the night and go back? Or...?"

"I mean we take the next couple of days off.", the Doctor said cheerfully, but his voice is firm.

Rebecca then noticed that his whole body is tense. Clearly the Doctor still isn't over what happened at Satellite Five and is still very angry about it. Whether it's because of the human race was being held back by an unknown outside force, Adam's stunt, it could even be he's still shaken up with mixed feelings of what happened back at Van Statten's bunker with the Dalek, or it's all of them and the Doctor needs time as well? Rebecca didn't know. She just knew that he was angry, upset, frustrated, all of them. Rebecca could feel a worryingly amount of negative emotions were swirling inside of the Doctor through the bond.

And Rebecca has learned very quickly, that even though you shouldn't bottle up emotions, it isn't good whenever the Doctor's is feeling this high of a level of negative emotions either.

Unfortunately, Rose didn't seem to notice any of this, and continued pushing.

"But I'm not tired.", Rose protested, thinking the Doctor was worried about her.

"Maybe not, but Rebecca certainly is.", the Doctor said, nodding to Rebecca pointedly.

The shifter couldn't help but flinch from the sudden mention of her name in the slowly brewing argument. It's true though. Rebecca hasn't slept since before she was brought here by the stone angel. After escaping Van Statten's bunker the group all quickly showered and changed to refresh themselves before Rose insisted they take Adam and Rebecca on their first trip.

Right now, the shifter is completely exhausted.

"C'mon, just a few more trips? Rebecca's only been on the one trip. Surely, I'm not the only one that wants to go on another.", Rose said pleadingly, "I'm sure Rebecca will be fine for a few more trips. She's a giant wolf, she must have high levels of energy and stamina or something like that."

"Rose.", the Doctor said sternly, expression now serious as he spoke with finality, "We're taking a break. I suggest you head on to your room and get some rest."

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