Chapter Eleven: The Doctor Dances

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"Doctor.", Rebecca hissed as the trio backed as far as the could against the wall while being cornered by gas masked zombies, "If your going to do something, do it fast before you have a protective wolf on your hands."

The Doctor looked down at Rebecca, then back up to the zombies chanting and calling out for their mummy, mind racing quickly before he came up with an idea. It's far fetched, but it's the only thing he can really think of that just might work.

"Go to your room!", the Doctor suddenly shouts, his tone scolding, as if speaking to a misbehaving child.

Rebecca could only gap at the Doctor. That was his big idea!?

She looked over to her side to share a baffled look with Jack, seeing the good captain shared in her increduloty towards the Doctor's big idea. But, even more surprisingly, the zombies all stopped, tilting their head at the Doctor in sync, almost as if they are all one person. And they all seemed to be confused.

"I mean it.", the Doctor said with raised brows, "I'm very, very angry at you. I'm very, very cross."

The Doctor then stared into the glass of the masks where their eyes should be, eyebrows furrowed. He honestly looked like a parent yelling at their child.

"Go. To You. Room!", the Doctor shouts in an angry tone pointing up in a random general direction.

Everything seemed to have frozen for a minute. Then the people all lowered their heads and slowly made their way to beds and/or benches that each were laying in earlier when Rebecca, the Doctor, and Jack had first entered the room.

Rebecca and Jack slowly rejoined the Doctor, Jack looked both shocked and relieved. Rebecca, on the other hand, remained tense. Even though the current threat has passed, the unnerving scent is thick in the air. And now knowing the reason why, Rebecca doubts she'd be able to relax while remaining in a building that is invested with these gas-masked zombies.

The Doctor let out a heavy sigh of relief. Causing Rebecca to jump a little, the shifter was still on edge.

"I'm really glad that worked.", the Doctor said in relief, "Those would have been terrible last words."

Slowly, Rebecca turned and looked up at the Doctor with an unimpressed stare on her face.

"What?", the Doctor asked in confusion.

Rebecca face palmed before walking away from the two males with a tired groan, "Your incorrigible."

The Doctor turns to Jack who just shrugs, unsure what to say to the two people who are clearly not Time Agents. With a sigh, Jack walks to a desk and sits down at the chair, propping his feet up on the desk as he looks out the window contemplating. Guess his con was a bust before it even started.

Hed tilted in curiosity, nose scrunched up in disgust as the not-death got stronger the closer she approached one of the people resting on the cots.

"They're all wearing gas masks.", Rebecca suddenly commented," Everyone. The doctors, the nurses, the civilians, only soldiers are the least surprising."

"They're not.", Jack calls out, "Those masks are flesh and bone."

"Great.", Rebecca mumbles to herself as she quickly retreats from the body, unable to handle the smell from so up close any more, "And they weren't creepy enough before."

"How was your con supposed to work?", the Doctor asks from across the room.

"Simple enough really.", Jack shrugs casually, "Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable and name a price. When he's but fifty percent up front, oops. German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money and we discuss dumb luck. The Perfect self-cleaning con."

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