Chapter Thirteen: Boom Town

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If Rebecca had to guess, it's been around two months/two months and a half, and things are both content, but wobbly on the Tardis. When Rose had re-entered the Tardis for the first time in three months, she giddily walked around the console, with the occasional skip, giggling all the while as she spun in place, her usual confidence returned the moment she reentered the time-traveling alien spaceship. She took on the beautiful ship again after fearing she wouldn't see the Tardis again when the Doctor and Rebecca parted ways with Rose.

The Doctor had watched the blonde human fondly, while Rebecca just watched, still unsure of how she felt about Rose. But by this point, Rebecca is sure her feelings are weighing on the negative end of the spectrum. She doesn't like the way Rose seems to do things her way without any regard for the rules or how her actions may affect others.

But who knows, maybe Rose had changed after they left, done some inner reflection or something. Jackie and the Doctor seemed to have come to some sort of understanding when he dropped Rose off, maybe Rose's mother said something or another that Rose thought and came to a realization or two about herself.

Rose stops her happy prance in front of the Doctor, holding out her hand expectantly. The Doctor raised his brow questioningly.

"What?", the Doctor asked.

"I'm waiting for my key.", Rose states simply, raising her brows pointedly.

Rebecca just blinked... Okay, she still doesn't have any tact. That hasn't changed. Rebecca looked to the ceiling, almost in prayer. Rose hasn't even been back on the Tardis for five minutes, and she's already taking things by storm.

"Go to your room and unpack.", the Doctor instructed, "I'll take us somewhere fun when you're done."

Rose frowned in confusion, "But what about-."

"You lost my trust, Rose.", the Doctor snaps, "You think I'm just gonna give you back the key to my home after what happened?"

This is a conversation Rebecca didn't need to be a part of. The shifter cleared her throat, gaining the two's attention. Rose's face reflected many different emotions as she did a double take at Rebecca's presence, while the Doctor blinked, most likely having forgotten Rebecca was there for the split-second things began to fall apart between him and Rose before they could even try to refresh and restart.

"You two need to talk before we go on any adventures.", Rebecca states, eyes still flicking between the two almost warily, "I'll go check on Jack, maybe make some.... what time is it?"


"Earth time Doctor.", Rebecca interrupts before he could even try, "Preferably Eastern time for the U.S."

Time was a reoccurring question for Rebecca while she was alone with the Doctor, and the Doctor would always cheekily respond with whatever time that a nearby planet or the galaxy used that he had them parked at currently. And when Rebecca asked for Earth time specifically, he'd go on and list several different times from the different time zones on the planet.

"Ten before six,", The Doctor pouts before adding on, "In the evening."

"Right, I'll just make some dinner and check on Jack while you two talk.", Rebecca tells them.

"Who?", Rose asked in confusion, hands curling into fists as she looked between the Doctor and Rebecca with narrowed eyes.

Rebecca chooses to ignore the blonde as she looks to the Doctor pointedly, "And when I say talk, I mean talk about your issues. Adventures aren't going to be fun and may become even bigger disasters without the doctor's luck-."

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