Chapter 5

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From a young age, Xu Nianyun has always liked her grandpa. Although her grandpa is introverted, he is actually smart and clever. Just looking at how he single-handedly brought back his two nephews is impressive.

Even though her grandpa never received an education, as an orphan, he married the daughter of the most educated person in the surrounding ten-mile area. Despite the troubles in her maternal family, he was still willing.

Grandma Zhao Yueji knew how to read, and after their marriage, she taught Grandpa Yun Haisheng. All the children in the Yun family completed at least junior high school before starting work. This was quite rare in the rural areas of the 1960s and 1970s. Yun Haisheng was similar to the farmers of that era but also somewhat different.

"You have to study to succeed." Xu Nianyun heard her grandpa say this since she was little. For her grandpa, who struggled with a life facing the soil and back to the sky, studying was indeed the best way out.

Xu Nianyun's eldest aunt, Yun Yi, was one of the few junior high school students in the Hongqi Brigade in the 1960s, and being a girl made it even rarer.

After Yun Da and Yun Yi graduated from junior high school, one joined the army and the other found temporary work at a county machinery factory. It took Yun Haisheng a lot of connections to send the children away.

The Yun family was capable, and Yun Haisheng had some skills in masonry and weaving, so their family was considered well-off in the Hongqi Brigade. However, their lives were still tight. The main reason was that they had spent a lot of money to send the two older children away through connections.

Seeing that Yun Shuang was about to graduate from junior high school, Yun Haisheng sighed while weaving baskets. The little bit of family connections he had was already used up by the two older children. If the second daughter couldn't go to high school after junior high, she would have to return home to work on the farm.

But with Yun Shuang's frail body, what could she do when she came back home? Even if she earned work points from working in the fields, it might not be enough to support herself.

The reason why Yun Haisheng worked so hard to weave baskets and mats was to save more money to find a way out for his second daughter. Even if she couldn't find a job like her eldest sister's, maybe she could find something easier, like a scoring clerk position in the brigade.

Yun Yi took a commune shuttle bus back home from the county town. Normally, she wasn't so lucky and had to walk back. The journey from Yuemoon Commune to the county town was over 40 miles, and walking that distance would tire her legs out. So Yun Yi usually only returned home once a month.

"Big sister!" Yun Xiaolu had been waiting at the village entrance. She woke up early today because the adults in the family went to the fields to earn work points, and her older brother and sister went to school. She felt responsible for welcoming Yun Yi back home.

Xu Nianyun watched her 21-year-old eldest aunt through the large screen and couldn't help but feel the magic of time. The 70-year-old old lady suddenly transformed into a grown woman. It was truly amazing!

There were black and white photos of her eldest aunt when she was young at Grandma's house. Although Xu Nianyun had a slight difficulty recognizing faces, she could still confirm that the young woman in the photos was her eldest aunt, Yun Yi.

Yun Yi was embraced by her little sister as she rushed over. She laughed and said, "You little rascal, you startled me with such commotion."

With one hand holding a cloth bag and the other holding her sister's hand, they headed home.

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