Chapter 13-14

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Chapter 13

After returning home from the market, Yun Xiaolu remained in a state of excitement. She was well aware that this time she had probably found a way to make money.

"This afternoon, I'll take you all to learn about medicinal herbs," Zhao Yueji said. Since she had taken the time to visit the collection station, it meant that she had already made up her mind to make digging medicinal herbs a legitimate way to supplement the household income.

However, even though this idea was initiated by her young daughter, she and Yun Haisheng couldn't solely rely on a six-year-old to shoulder the responsibility. After all, providing for the family was ultimately the responsibility of the adults.

Xiao Dou and Xiao E were also thrilled to hear that these herbs could be sold. They were used to digging wild vegetables, so digging more valuable medicinal herbs gave them even more motivation.

"The three of you should start by learning about some common medicinal herbs. Later, I'll teach you how to harvest them, and you should also pay attention to the seasons," Zhao Yueji instructed.

Zhao Yueji and Yun Haisheng couldn't afford not to earn work points. It was their family's livelihood. However, she could teach the children some skills. If they could truly earn money, it would improve their lives.

"If my mom teaches me about medicinal herbs, can I still earn points?" Yun Xiaolu didn't want to miss out.

"As long as you can learn, you can earn points for everything," Xun Nianyun assured her. If there were any gaps, she would make up for them.

Xu Nianyun also supported her grandmother's idea. If Xiao Dou and Xiao E joined their biological mother in digging medicinal herbs, not only could they dig more, but they could also save a lot of time. It was a win-win situation.

"So, are we not going to the mulberry forest anymore?" Xiao E was eager to learn about digging medicinal herbs, but going to the mulberry forest to pick leaves every afternoon was their unwavering primary school task.

"In a few days, the silkworms will start spinning cocoons, and there's no need to feed them anymore. You won't be able to pick mulberry leaves for many more days."

Previously, Hongqi Brigade had participated in collective activities with the commune, such as raising silkworms and rabbits as a path to prosperity. While the brigade was doing fine with raising rabbits, their silkworm-raising skills were lacking.

Especially since they couldn't effectively raise the silkworms collectively, despite having a considerable number of mulberry trees. The number of silk cocoons they produced each year was not significant. So, the brigade would only focus on spring silk cocoon production for the commune's task, while the rest of the time would be dedicated to field production.

"Tomorrow, when my second sister comes home, she and I will go digging first," Yun Xiaolu felt that if she and her older siblings became knowledgeable about many medicinal herbs in the future, there might still be a chance for her "get-rich plan" to come true.

"Then my third sister and I will collect more mulberry leaves to raise rabbits and make money, while Little Mei and my second sister can focus on digging medicinal herbs to earn money!" Xiao Dou quickly found her role.

Listening to the children's words, Zhao Yueji felt a sense of hope. Their maturity was stronger than anything else for her.

"None of you are allowed to talk about our family digging medicinal herbs," Zhao Yueji said. She hadn't figured out where to process the herbs yet, so this matter must not be revealed outside the family.

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