Chapter 39-40

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Chapter 39

The mountain forests in late summer and early autumn are still lush and green. In fact, due to the abundant rainfall during this rainy season, the vegetation in the mountains is even more flourishing than in previous years.

Although Yun Xiaolu was specifically assigned the direction of "love for learning," she was aware that today's path was different from yesterday's. This particular area of the mountain forest was no longer as familiar to her. Therefore, she proceeded with caution, always communicating with Xu Nianyun about the condition of the mountain path.

Their current objective was to find fruits and wild vegetables suitable for satisfying their hunger, based on Xu Nianyun's comprehensive analysis. Their first choice was those with a larger yield.

"Last year, when we went to gather mountain produce, we passed by several wild banana vines. Unfortunately, we arrived in the mountains too late, and all the fruits were already gone."

The so-called wild bananas are actually known as "August Explosions." Although Xu Nianyun didn't particularly enjoy eating them in her previous life, she recalled that among wild fruits, they had a pleasant taste. The main reason was that these fruits were somewhat similar to regular bananas, with a sweet and soft texture that could alleviate hunger.

What's even more remarkable is that they can be dried and eaten as a vegetable dish. Xu Nianyun had tasted her grandma's stir-fried "August Explosions" when she was a child. The resourcefulness of the working people in their struggle for survival was truly extraordinary.

They had timed their journey perfectly to coincide with the first batch of fully ripened "August Explosions." Those fruits that were undamaged could be picked and taken back to be sun-dried for later consumption. After all, anything edible was considered a good find.

A single vine of wild "August Explosions" could bear numerous fruits, but once fully ripe, they couldn't be stored for more than a few days. Moreover, due to climatic factors, the local wild "August Explosions" were not particularly abundant. Therefore, people generally didn't venture into the mountains specifically to find them, except during times of famine. For the most part, they would occasionally encounter them in the wilderness and pick some to bring home to delight the children.

The location pointed out by Xu Nianyun was further into the mountain forest. It was a relatively remote area with an abundance of rocks, and the climbing trees there weren't the type that produced valuable mountain products. Consequently, very few people visited that particular area.

Due to the scarcity of human activity and the fact that the fruits usually ripened during busy farming seasons in previous years, the majority of the fruits produced by those wild vines would naturally fall and decompose, becoming soil fertilizer. Meanwhile, their seeds continued to germinate and propagate.

By the time autumn arrived and people ventured into the mountains for the harvest, only a few withering leaves and vines concealed among the rocks and trees would remain.

It was rare for anyone to journey into the mountains during this time, or perhaps it could be said that they had never witnessed such an extensive array of wild fruits before. Upon reaching their destination, the Yun family, including Yun Xiaolu, were all in awe of the scenery before them.

"So many?" Yun Haisheng, who had often explored the mountains in his youth, had encountered these wild bananas as occasional fruits. However, back then, they were mostly found on a few vines, which was still considered quite plentiful for children.

However, he had never seen such a densely covered scene of vines crawling up rocks and trees. The grass and forest obscured the specific condition of the vine roots, but it was certain that there were a considerable number crawling up, and the height they reached indicated their long years of growth.

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