Chapter 95-96

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Chapter 95

Zhao Yueji and Yun Haisheng didn't come over to cause trouble for their daughter. They were already familiar with urban housing, just by looking at the apartment building where Xiaoe's prospective groom lived, they knew the situation.

Houses like Wang Yuemin's, with a yard and independent entrance, were rare. Most people either squeezed into small alley houses with two rooms or lived in apartment buildings. That was the norm in this era.

However, Yun Xiaolu, in her filial piety, wanted to ensure her parents had a comfortable New Year. So, if renting a house was not possible, she thought about booking a hotel. She knew she would definitely be scolded later, but at least her parents would get to enjoy it.

"If all else fails, why don't we buy a house?" Xu Nianyun thought she had already transcended "low-level interests" with her system, but she still had some obsession with getting her dear mother to buy property in advance.

Who knows what the future holds in store? If one day her dear mother unbinds from the system earlier, it would be better if she had a more substantial inheritance.

"But even if we buy a house, we won't be able to move in for a short time. Besides, even if we find a suitable property within a month, by the time all the transfer procedures are completed, the year would have passed," Yun Xiaolu said.

Although Yun Xiaolu didn't pay much attention to real estate, she understood that finding a house that met their expectations was not a simple matter. Renting a house was already difficult, let alone buying one.

"Why are the housing points in the system store so expensive? It's outrageous."

After looking at the prices of houses in the store, Yun Xiaolu sincerely felt that it was outrageous. To exchange for a small courtyard in Beijing's landmarks, it required over a million points!

A set of top-notch foreign research equipment only cost a few thousand points. Was that shabby courtyard made of gold or something?

Xu Nianyun, although understanding the situation, couldn't tell Yun Xiaolu right now how ridiculously inflated the real estate market would become in the future. Many prices in the system store were based on the future, otherwise the earlier food prices wouldn't have been so cheap.

She didn't know if it was because the main brain had been replaced or if her thinking had influenced the system's operation, but during the last system store upgrade, Xu Nianyun noticed that some commodities that would become particularly valuable in the future had undergone significant price fluctuations.

That's why Xu Nianyun didn't initially suggest that Yun Xiaolu buy property. The system's housing prices were beyond imagination, and the real-world housing prices were not cheap either.

Yun Xiaolu's salary at her level was actually quite high. Just one month after graduating, she was earning over a hundred yuan, with free meals and accommodation provided by the company. She enjoyed various benefits and most of her salary went unused. However, compared to the housing prices in Beijing, it was clear that her salary was not enough.

In today's Beijing, a decent small courtyard would cost at least ten thousand yuan or more. Even with Yun Xiaolu's future salary increase, it would take nearly ten years without any major expenses to save up.

But by the time ten years passed, the housing prices in Beijing would have increased by ten to twenty times. Yun Xiaolu definitely wouldn't be able to afford a house with just her salary.

As for the money in the funds, there was an unspoken agreement between Yun Xiaolu and Xu Nianyun from the beginning that they would never use the dividends from the contracts for personal purposes.

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