Chapter 33-34

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Chapter 33

Twenty-eight pigs were slaughtered for the Lunar New Year. This was a major event for the Hongqi Brigade. Most of the pigs raised by the production team were meant to be handed over to fulfill the mission, but every year there were still a few left that could be slaughtered for consumption within the brigade.

During the annual pig slaughter, the children would stay at the slaughter site, eagerly waiting for each household to finish distributing the meat coupons so they could bring the meat home.

Early in the morning, Yun Xiaolu and the twins went to occupy a strategic location. Since the butcher hadn't arrived yet, at this moment it was just the children and some adults chatting together.

When Xu Nianyun heard that her mother wanted to go see the "slaughter" scene, she voluntarily turned off the reception of visual images in her mind, fearing she would have nightmares.

She really didn't understand why children used to enjoy watching such scenes.

Once all three pigs were prepared, everyone lined up cheerfully to cut the meat. It was at this point that Xu Nianyun turned the large screen back on. She watched as people of all ages wore cheerful expressions. Xu System felt that she needed to practice her own courage, seeing how fearless our ancestors were.

Yun Hai-sheng quickly received the two pounds of meat coupons allocated to their family. The meat looked excellent, with a good balance of fat and lean.

The pig trotters and ribs had already been properly prepared and placed at the brigade office. Those who had previously signed up needed to go there to pay and collect them. The specific distribution was determined by the brigade leaders.

"Take this home first. I'll go to the brigade office," Yun Hai-sheng handed the meat to Xiaodou, while he himself went to buy the pig trotters and ribs from the brigade.

"Okay." Xiaodou carried the pork tied with a rope and ran home, as if even a moment's delay would deprive him of eating the meat.

This year, each educated youth at the youth work point also received three pounds of meat coupons. Many educated youth and brigade members stood in line together, wearing expressions of joy.

Yun Xiaolu was too engrossed in playing with the children to notice this, but Xu Nianyun had been observing it in her mind for quite a while.

Hmm, she confirmed that among the new educated youth who arrived this year, there should be no uncle from her previous life.

Today, there were also families that didn't get any meat, so they lent their meat coupons to other households in the same village. Xu Nianyun looked at the forlorn eyes of those children and noticed their tattered cotton clothes. She couldn't describe the feeling in her heart.

She somewhat understood why Mrs. Yun, despite growing up in a rural area, didn't have many bitter memories of her childhood. Even without encountering the Yun system, their living conditions in Hongqi Brigade were above the passing line. The definition of happiness is often derived from comparison.

Instead, it was during her adolescence and youth after leaving the countryside that Yun Lady suddenly realized how small and barren her childhood world had been. Many unresolved conflicts probably accompanied this realization.

Seeing Yun Xiaolu, carefree and seemingly without any worries at this moment, Xu Nianyun sincerely hoped that she would remember this moment of happiness and contentment throughout her life.

After lunch, the brigade loudspeakers started calling out again. After distributing the meat, there were still sixty to seventy kilograms of pork and large bone sticks left. Any household that wanted them could go to the brigade and buy them at the same price as the "pig station."

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