Chapter 47-48

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Chapter 47

Although Xiaolu is obsessed with animation, she hasn't forgotten her "get rich" plan. When the first buds sprouted on the first batch of golden silver flowers, she and Yun Shuang began scouting various herbs for the upcoming spring.

Most of the medicinal herbs used in herbal medicine are not as valuable as rhizomes, but even mosquitoes are meat, so they didn't mind at all.

However, before the two sisters could showcase their skills, a piece of news from the team made the Yun family pensive, specifically Yun Haisheng and Zhao Yueji, and even Yun Shuang started thinking after hearing their parents' thoughts.

At that moment, Xiaolu and the twins had no idea what had happened.

Due to the scarcity of medical resources, for a long time, rural people often refrained from going to the hospital for minor illnesses. Of course, it didn't mean that they wouldn't seek treatment at all. Instead, a specific profession replaced the role of most hospitals—the barefoot doctors.

This profession played a significant role in rural areas for a considerable period of time. For example, in the Moon Society, apart from the commune's health center, most people who treated illnesses for the villagers were barefoot doctors.

They didn't have official positions or salaries, but because the government implemented this policy, they received work credits for practicing medicine in rural areas. In some places, they even enjoyed the same treatment as brigade cadres. Overall, this profession was highly esteemed in rural areas.

Hongqi Brigade didn't have its own barefoot doctor. Anyone with a headache or fever would go to Li Family Brigade or invite the doctor to their home, as both places were nearby.

However, this year, Hongqi Brigade also had a vacancy. In response to the call, the commune encouraged interested individuals from each brigade to sign up for training and employment.

Naturally, this was a good opportunity for young people who could read and had some education. However, there was one condition: they had to bear their own travel expenses to the hospital and be responsible for their own meals.

In other words, the training was free, but they had to take care of their own meals. The commune didn't have enough money and food to provide for everyone, so it depended on whether they wanted this opportunity or not.

The training duration was six months. If they wanted to go, they had to pay 180 kilograms of grain plus various fees totaling three yuan. The commune would provide them with food coupons for the county hospital cafeteria.

Indeed, it was a good opportunity, but in this day and age, nobody knew what would happen in the end. Which family could readily produce nearly two hundred kilograms of grain and give up half a year's work credits?

So, after the brigade announced this matter, even the educated youth were allowed to sign up, but not a single person registered.

Most people in the village weren't interested in this opportunity. After all, they didn't meet the requirements, and the young people who did meet the criteria either couldn't afford to or simply couldn't gather so much grain.

The educated youth wanted to go, but they didn't have the means. The food distributed by the brigade was barely enough to sustain themselves, and asking their own families for help was impossible. The food coupons in the city were issued monthly and had an expiration date. Nobody could gather such a large amount of grain to support their own six-month study.

Initially, Yun Haisheng and his wife didn't consider sending Yun Shuang. After all, in their eyes, barefoot doctors could only provide basic medical care. They didn't believe that a few years of training would make her competent.

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