Chapter 19-20

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Chapter 19

In this day and age, not getting married at the age of twenty-eight is already considered "late marriage." If there isn't any problem, it's either because of high standards or being too picky, which is even more unreasonable.

Although Zhao Yueji saw her child as excellent in her eyes, she was well aware of the reality. Yun Yi didn't have any advantages when it came to finding a prospective husband in the county town.

Having a rural household registration alone was already a huge obstacle. Without an urban household registration, there would be no access to rations. Yun Yi's wages as a temporary worker were not enough in the face of an urban household registration.

The Yun family's financial situation could be considered not burdensome, but in terms of providing support, the temporary job was already the most significant support they could offer, and there was no more than that.

Yun Yi had a pleasant appearance, but Zhao Yueji believed that in this day and age, good looks alone couldn't sustain a person. When the conditions weren't sufficient, good looks couldn't make up for the gap.

So, what was the purpose of the other party introducing him? Zhao Yueji couldn't help feeling that something was amiss.

Yun Yi went to the county town to work as a temporary worker, and of course, the family hoped that she wouldn't have to work in the fields in the future. However, whether she could stay in the city or not would depend on fate. The Yun family never considered marrying off their daughter just for the sake of keeping her in the city.

"Although his family is a working-class family, they are quite struggling."

Wang Yuemin's father was a martyr. After marrying his mother, he went to the battlefield and never returned. His mother, as a martyr's family member, was assigned to work at the supply and marketing cooperative. Initially, the mother and son were able to get by.

However, Wang Yuemin's mother's health hadn't been good since she gave birth to him. By the time he graduated from high school and started working at the Machinery Factory, his mother was frequently hospitalized. Most of the mother and son's salaries were spent on medical expenses.

Having an ill family member is like having a bottomless pit. Even though Wang Yuemin was a permanent worker and his mother still had a job, many people were discouraged from pursuing a marriage proposal.

"He told me that although his family has two incomes, they can't save money because his mother requires long-term medication and treatment. Sometimes, when his mother's condition worsens, they have to borrow money to get by." Wang Yuemin didn't want to deceive anyone, so when they had a few good encounters, he shared the specific situation with Yun Yi.

As Wang Yuemin grew older, his family also grew more anxious. Wang's mother and the various relatives and friends they sought help from had made their stance clear, saying that as soon as he got married, Wang's mother's job position at the supply and marketing cooperative would be immediately transferred to his future wife.

For a girl with urban household registration and a job, finding a prospective husband's family was not a difficult task at all. They would naturally not marry into a "poor" family just because of a good job at the supply and marketing cooperative.

According to the policy, young people with urban household registration but without a job would have to move to the countryside once they reached a certain age. If they wanted to stay in the city, they had two options: either finding a job for themselves or marrying someone with a stable job. This marriage proposal from the Wang family was a good opportunity in this regard.

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