Chapter 30

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[ Name: Yun Xiaolu

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 90+ (out of 150) -
Evaluation: Human with high intelligence

Physical Strength: 63- (out of 120) -
Evaluation: Human with weak physical strength

Mental Strength: 63 (out of 100) -
Evaluation: Human with normal mental strength

Knowledge Reserve: 45- (unlimited) -
Evaluation: Unknown ]

"Host's score reaches 1000+. Upgrade basic simulation teaching environment?"

On a winter night, after completing her daily learning tasks, Yun Xiaolu had a thought in her mind.

"Do I love studying?"

Xu Nianyun didn't respond immediately. She looked at the values on the host panel in the main brain space, deep in thought.

Recently, Yun Xiaolu's progress in learning had been smooth, but it was hardly noticeable in the overall progress bar.

After over three months of studying in the simulated teaching environment, Yun Xiaolu had already completed the math and language courses for the second grade of elementary school. The efficiency of learning in the simulated environment was very high.

However, during these three months, her knowledge reserve value had only increased by 2 points.

She had sensed it before - the growth rate of her knowledge reserve value was gradually decreasing. But according to common sense, shouldn't learning more result in faster growth?

Or could it be a side effect of the simulation environment? She checked the system settings, but there was no explanation regarding this matter.

If her speculation was correct, many of her previous plans might need to be rearranged.

"Xiaolu, let's not upgrade for now." In the face of uncertain circumstances, we can only wait and see.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Yun Xiaolu hadn't redeemed anything during this period, not because she was deliberately saving points, but because Yun Yi had exchanged many tickets, and she felt she could save hers for now.

Although Xu Nianyun couldn't fully understand the simple notion of feeling "super great" after eating meat only twice in over a month and wearing a brand new cotton coat and shoes from head to toe, she understood that this mindset might be better for children.

On the day of the Winter Solstice, when Yun Xiaolu finally got to eat the rabbits she had been longing for, she felt even happier.

A light snowfall occurred on the day of the Winter Solstice, seemingly reminding everyone that the cold days were about to arrive.

On that day, Zhao Yueji finally had Yun Haisheng slaughter all the rabbits. The main reason was that no one in the family was going into the mountains anymore, and the rabbits didn't have enough food to survive.

When Yun Xiaolu heard they were going to eat rabbits, perhaps because she had been looking forward to it for so long, she didn't have a big reaction at that moment. But from the corners of her mouth that wouldn't go down, one could tell that her mood was undoubtedly joyful.

Out of the four rabbits, Zhao Yueji made preserved rabbit meat out of the three largest ones, while they chose to eat the smallest one on the same day.

Even the smallest rabbit, when skinned, weighed over two pounds. The whole family enjoyed the red-cooked rabbit with potatoes, and their mouths were filled with oil. Since Yun Xiaolu was born, her family had been raising rabbits, but it wasn't until this year that she finally got to eat rabbits raised by her own family.

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