Chapter 103-104

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Chapter 103

On the second day of the conference, when it was China's turn to speak, Yun Xiaolu presented her research on hydropower. She had previously used the supercomputer in the system to model and simulate the distribution of China's water systems, calculating their potential. Among renewable energy sources, hydropower was the most suitable for large-scale development and yielded quick results in China.

Due to its topography, China held immense untapped potential in this area. If the technology could support it, hydropower could serve as a valuable supplement to thermal power generation.

There are relatively few countries in the world, like China, that possess and utilize well-developed water systems. Usually, countries with advantages in terms of major rivers or topography are the ones engaged in water energy research.

Although China possesses abundant coal resources and can sustain itself so far, Yun Xiaolu, being involved in energy development, understood that if China wanted to advance industrially in the future, it would have to compete for energy resources. At that time, the energy gap would undoubtedly be substantial.

Furthermore, energy competition cannot solely rely on non-renewable resources, as nature would ruthlessly retaliate if pushed too far.

In reality, Yun Xiaolu didn't necessarily have to research hydropower. It just happened to pique her interest in the past, so she conducted relevant research experiments. This conference was meant for learning, and she merely wanted to use this as the topic for her prepared speech. Whether her research would actually come to fruition would depend on the whims of fate.

However, it was evident that Yun Xiaolu's speech brought forth many new perspectives and theories that impressed everyone. They also felt that if this research were conducted in a country like the United States, it might have a chance of being realized. Achieving this research in China seemed like a far-fetched dream given its current capabilities.

Yun Xiaolu wasn't too concerned about it. In fact, many researchers in China were studying the utilization of water energy. Even without her, someone else would accomplish this research. Whether others believed China could achieve it or not was irrelevant to the present state of China.

"Beta, I still hold my opinion. Perhaps you're not suited for your current position, or at least not at this moment," Professor Edward expressed his regret during the adjournment. He believed that his student had the potential to astonish the world and shouldn't be held back by a backward country.

"No, Professor, I feel perfectly suited. I enjoy challenging work, like improving energy utilization efficiency to over 30%," Yun Xiaolu confidently replied.

Shaking his head with regret, Professor Edward said, "I know I can't persuade you, but you should know that your path lies in renewable energy. Are you really going to give up research in this field?"

Yun Xiaolu smiled confidently, "I enjoy starting from scratch, taking it step by step. China's current lag is only temporary. When the time is ripe, I will return to the field of renewable energy research."

"I believe that day will come soon."

Professor Edward understood that his student was a determined individual, and he could only sigh, "I hope that day arrives sooner rather than later."

Actually, Professor Edward had originally intended to invite Yun Xiaolu to this conference again. However, after seeing her state yesterday, he realized that persuading his student was futile.

"Professor, I truly appreciate your invitation and look forward to meeting with you again next time." By then, she hoped to be invited based on her own influence. Yun Xiaolu believed that day would surely come.

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