Chapter 9 - Deer in headlights

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I never felt the need to explain myself so much. It was becoming an issue, because I didn't know why I had to defend myself only because Sandra was jealous for whatever reason. And I wasn't even sure that she was.

We were spending so many days and hours together, and I was certain of one thing. I had fallen for her.

I tried to conceal it, mostly because I wasn't sure how she felt, or even if this was a possibility. We still had months of being together, and I don't think we could afford to be uncomfortable around each other. And most of all, I really enjoyed being near her.

On top of that, I could definitely see in her eyes that she was sad, but I didn't know if it was because of what had happened between us, or if something else was up. I couldn't help but tell her pretty much everything I had on my mind and just left. I was about to burst, and I didn't wait to see her reaction.

I walked out of her trailer, closing the door as hard as I could.

"Sweetie, are you okay? I just got here". I nearly bumped into Helen who was already there.

"Hey! Yeah yeah, I'm alright"

"Cate, your eyes are all teared up". Her concern was definitely real, and I didn't even remember that I had cried? Did Sandra see that?

"Oh, yes! This wind is killing me, I feel as if I had a bad case of allergies or something"

"Darling, you must wear your glasses if the wind is affecting you. You should get some tear drops, Gary said we should get going to the restaurant and into the building"

"Good idea. So shall we go?"

"Yeah but shouldn't we call Sandy? Is she in there?" She said signaling the trailer.

"Uhm yeah, but she was finishing something, so she will get out when she's done. Let's get going"

Fantastic, still three more hours of shooting with her.


Sandra came out, and we were waiting for her to shoot the entrance scene.

I don't know how many times we did the same thing, the doorman opened the door for us, we walked, and that was it. There was no difficulty whatsoever to do that, but we kept missing the cue, looking the wrong way... it was so frustrating.

"Okay girls, this is it. It's the simplest scene ever. We still need to shoot the restaurant, so camera ready, watch out for pedestrians. Let's go"

Sandra didn't even look at me during the hour or so we had to do this. I decided to ignore the awkwardness as well, so we could get done with the take.

We managed to do so, Gary was thrilled we could move forward. "Sandra, Cate, get inside and take your seats in the table. Helena, please go to the booth"

We did as told, not speaking to each other. We sat down and I just explored the camera they gave me, as we waited for cue.

Dakota came in waving hello to everybody, and we were ready.

"People, ready. Mark. Action!"

I clicked the camera and nearly blinded myself with the flash. Sandra laughed hysterically. "Turn it around, grandma!", she said still laughing.

I turned to face her quite surprised. She was not the same person I spoke to an hour ago. She kept laughing and took the camera from my hands. Crew and extras were laughing just by hearing her.

"I'm so selling this selfie of two-time-Oscar-winner Cate Blanchett looking like a deer in the headlights, LITERALLY!"

"Heyyy!" I defended myself. "Give it back!"

"I'm starting at a thousand dollars. Who gives more?". She kept the camera away from me holding her arm out. I tried to grab it moving almost on top of her.

"1.5!" yelled Helena playing the game.

"Two thousand!" said Olivia joining the game.

"How high do you think we can get?" she whispered to me. We were really close to each other, pushing with our arms trying to get the camera.

"3!" yelled Dakota, joining the "fun".

I poked her sides, to which she retreated her extended arm and I got the camera. "Sorry, ladies, you will have to pay me directly and in cash before I delete this"

"That's not fair!" said Sandy, trying to get me again.

I looked at Gary who was just waiting, patiently. He was smiling but I swear, if I was directing, I would have killed us both ages ago.

"Sorry, Gar. We're ready", I said sitting back.

Sandra looked at him and did the same. She smiled sweetly at him and nodded.

"Don't act like a goodie two shoes!" I whispered to her. "You're so not!!"

"I am too!"

"Okay, you are", I smiled at her and she did it back. Everything fell into place again. And I thought of kissing that smile.

Stop, Cate.

To my shock, she grabbed my leg under the table and whispered to me. "We need to talk. When this is over, we're not going back to the hotel. Is that okay?"

I just nodded. She patted my leg and let it go.


"Ready?", Sandra asked knocking on my trailer.


"Oh, I could arrange transportation for you guys in a minute" said Rachel, my PA, typing like a mad woman.

"We're good, Rach. I took care of it" said Sandra, grabbing my bag. "You enjoy the rest of the night". She winked at her and walked out.

Rachel was looking at me confused, waiting for me to say something. "It's okay, you go and have some rest. Have a good weekend, Rach", I smiled and joined Sandy.

"You know, a heads up would've been nice. That was a very confused Rachel back there" I said, taking my bag from her.

"No, I'll carry that for you. You just get in the car and sit still"

"Well now there's a very confused Cate in here" I joked opening the door and jumping in. "Whose car is this?" I asked when she got in.

"Mine. Well, rental, but still, my rental. Buckle up, please"

"Yes, mom"

"Oh, don't even! You can take care of the music"

"How long is this gonna take?"

"That depends on you. Can you spend the weekend with me? Just away from all this. I can take either answer" she said expectantly.

It's Friday, we're not shooting for the next few days, I'm tired, I don't have any plans.

I kept listing arguments, but neither beat "Sandra is taking you away for two days".

"I'd love to", I tried to cooly reply.

"Aren't you gonna ask where are we going?". She put the gear on drive, but kept her foot down on the brake.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you". I was being completely honest. I didn't even care where to, so I just shrugged.

"Fantastic!", she said putting the gear on drive and leaving the set.

Talk about surprises.

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