Chapter 6 - Cherry Hill

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I decided to go on a walk. What I liked about New York is that it was always so crowded that you lose yourself among so many people. You were hardly recognizable, and I didn't want to be Sandra Bullock for a day. I put on my headphones and chose my favorite playlist.

Rihanna's 'Stay' began to play as I walked all the way to the Met. I thought about going in, but decided against. I was probably going to be there a lot for the following months.

I went instead to Central Park, hopefully to get lost there. I went to Cherry Hill which was always beautiful. It was a bit cold, but manageable to sit down there.

I found a bench and sat down to read for a while. People were happily strolling, how could anyone be sad in this place?

🎶 Well, funny you're the broken one

But I'm the only one who needed saving

'Cause when you never see the light

It's hard to know which one of us is caving

I went back to earlier, when Bryan was being such an ass. It was killing me to have those fights with him, and to know that every time they were getting more frequent. It was impossible to get over that. Every time the slightest inconvenience came along, he exploded. He was never like that before.

This morning he texted me too early, it was barely 5 a.m. in L.A., and I was off. I replied as soon as I got up, and he was already pissed off.



To what do I owe the honor to get a

reply from the great Sandra Bullock?

Sandra: B, I just woke up.

We were out last night with the girls

B❤️: Awesome. You do have the time

to go out and get wasted.

Jesus fucking Christ. I was already downstairs trying to get some breakfast.

Sandra: Baby, please. You know how is this thing.

You have to bond, and there are parties and stuff.

All the time. I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier.

B❤️: It's fine. I can manage to always

be waiting for you. It's what I have to do, right?

Sandra: That's not what I meant.

B❤️: But in the end, it IS that. I have to wait forever 

because you're so broken you can't commit to anything. 

Or no, actually you CAN commit to your job. 

And maybe to the kids, who by the way, are also waiting for you.

I couldn't believe that. He never ever referred to me as 'broken'.

Sandra: Maybe? MAYBE? The kids?

Seriously Bryan? What's up with you today?

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