Chapter 11 - The first morning after

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The first of my senses to wake up was my smell. Roses and bourbon, with a hint of something else.

The second one was my sense of touch. Warm silk skin was under my hands.

The third one was my hearing. Soft deep breaths mixed with the sound of the waves.

The fourth one was my vision. I opened my eyes with the sun coming through the window, allowing me to see Sandy wrapped under my arms.

And finally I had to shut down my sense of taste, because it was already too enticing to have her like this and not being able to kiss every inch of her.

"Sandy...", I called her to wake her up. "Morning's here...".

She stirred slowly waking up. She turned around, her face stopping inches away from mine. Her brown eyes clashed with my own blue ones, staring back at me.

"Hey", she whispered.

"Hey". There was a moment of silence, which felt eternal.

My eyes were jumping between hers and her lips. She grinned at that. "What?"

"We're thinking the exact same thing, I'm sure"

No one dared to move a tiny bit. "Yeah? And what's that?"

"How good it would feel...". She was looking at my lips, smirking at me, innerly laughing at my awkward self.

"How... would it feel?", I asked falling into her trap. That gorgeous temptress. She definitely knew she had me already wrapped around her finger.

"So good", she said as a statement. She licked her lips and threw me over the edge.

I clashed my lips into hers. Weeks of yearning for her went into the pressure I put in that kiss. What was oxygen for? I didn't need that anymore.

She opened her mouth, granting me access and deepening the kiss. She put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer, as if she needed me to exist.

One minute or an hour, time stood still for us. She broke the kiss to breathe again.

"I... I am sorry, I couldn-..". She pulled me back again and kissed me with such force.

"Don't. Don't apologize" she said against my lips. "I wanted it. I needed it". She pushed me and got on top of me, not breaking a second of the kiss. I grabbed her waist but let her command, I was already getting drunk on her tongue.

She kissed my face, as if she was possessed. "I love you, Cate. I don't know what this is, but I love you"

"I love you too". She stopped to smile at me, her hands tangled in my hair. I steadied my breaths, my heart was beating too fast. "I think... I... am... are you... Are you okay with this? Whatever it is?"

I think I am in love with you. Keep those 8 words to yourself, Catherine.

There was a knock on the door, a voice coming from outside. "Good morning, Ms. Bullock"

We untangled away from each other. "Coming!", she said quickly fixing her hair and putting her robe on.

"Hey, morning!", she cheerfully said opening the door.

"Your order, ma'am. Also I'd like to let you know that the ride should be here in about an hour to pick you up". I could only hear a distant voice from a man.

"Thank you, we'll get down then". She got a box and closed the door.

I sat up on the bed, waiting for some more information.

"Well since you look like a child on Christmas Day, this one is for you". She handed me the box, with expectation written all over her face. "It's not a big deal, though. Don't expect diamonds"

"Yet..." I smirked at her, making her blush. I pulled off the tape, to find a small stash of Tim Tams. "Wow!"

"Told you it's not a big deal"

"Are you kidding me right now? I love these! It's been ages since I had one of those. How did you manage to get them?"

"Turns out Australian finest are also shipped from Ohio". She was playing with the belt of her robe, she was definitely nervous.

"Well I love them. Thank you". I kissed her head, I was sincerely touched by the gesture. Some might say they were only biscuits, but do you know how hard is to find them away from Australia? "So, I heard something about a ride?"

"Oh, yeah. We have to get ready. I can't bring Australia to you, but still, we're gonna have some fun in the water"

"Can I bring these?"

"You're such a child! I should say no, because you'll end up eating them all up". I pouted, as she stood up and pulled me up. "Now go take your shower and get ready". I just followed her every instruction.

Before letting go of my hand, she pulled me back. "By the way, I am fine with whatever this is. I have so many things running through my mind now, but I look at you and... and everything's fine". She smiled at me. "Are you?"

"I am too". I moved closer and kissed her. I felt her knees weaken a bit. "Thanks for my Tim Tams". I pinched her cheek and went to the bathroom.

I closed the door and took a look in the mirror.

What just happened?!

I was in such ecstasy, trying to put all the pieces back together and not miss a single detail of the moments we just shared. I touched my lips still feeling hers there. I caught myself smiling at the thought.

Are we going to be okay?

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