Chapter 4 - Mission accomplished

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(A/N: This one is short, but hopefully it's getting good. This one is from Sandy's POV).


I want to go to my hotel now. NOW.

My only wish was if I could teleport to my hotel room, without facing Cate again. But yet, I wanted so badly to turn back time. It was so frustrating.

What was that? I seriously wanted to kiss her, and I could only blame Nora's "real" Tequila. Yet I think I sobered up in a second. It was too confusing. I briefly thought about Bryan, but to be honest, even in the best of times, I don't recall feeling the need to kiss him so abruptly.

Or did I? I was going back to all the people I've ever kissed before and definitely that wasn't a remote feeling.

It was way too overwhelming, and I couldn't feel my face. I still felt Cate's soft whispers on my skin.

"Okay so what about we split and each one takes two ladies?"

"What?" What the hell was Sarah talking about.

Cate's mouth was slightly ajar, and she was frowning.

"Well it seems we're the only ones sober enough to take them home. So I'll take Anne, and maybe you can split between Mindy, Helena, Nora and Ri"

"Ohhh, yeah that sounds like a good idea".

What's the option to select Cate?

Wait, no. No.

I shared a look with her, as if she was thinking the same thing. She looked down and was fidgeting with her fingers.

"Mkay, I'll take Mindy and Helena. It seems easier to take them two, they seem already stuck together" she said, breaking the moment.

"Okay, so that leaves me with the craziest. Thank you, Catie"

That seemed to break the awkwardness for a second. She grinned and I smiled.

"You're the Boss. You can deal with anything"

Not anything.

"Text me so we can know we all made it" said Sarah already walking out.


After a while, I don't know how, we all managed to get to the hotel. Lucky for me, the two packages I was carrying decided to wake up.

"I swear to God, Nora, this is the last time I ever follow your ideas"

"Why? You didn't have fun? I saw you laughing a lot with the Holy Trinity"

"The what now?" What the fuck.

"Cate, Sarah and yourself. That's the nickname we chose for you guys. Because you're just awesome!"

"They seem angelical, but they're not" said Rihanna walking towards her room. "Aren't you?" She smiled and walked away.

Nora and I stood there a little baffled. "Ahem, so anyways. It was fun! And since you're the boss, if you decide not to come again, nobody else will follow, so I'm counting on you".

I shook my head and got into my room. "Night, Nora. Text me tomorrow to know you're alive" I said before closing the door. I leaned against it trying to decipher this night. I was here to film a freaking movie, and there I was, A DAY LATER rummaging through my brain to understand what was happening to me.


Cate B.

They're all tucked in. Mission accomplished.

My phone startled me, with a message from Cate.


Sandra B.

Same here. Didn't tuck them in, though.

Cate B.: Haha. Neither did I. I can't even tuck myself.

What was I supposed to reply to that?

Need any help? Sandra, please. Better change the subject.

Sandra B.: Do you know what they're calling us?

Cate B.: Us two? You and me?!

That was a fast reply.

Sandra B.: Yeah. Well us both and Sarah.

Cate B.: ??????

Sandra B.: The Holy Trinity

Cate B.: WHAT? Why? What's that supposed to mean?

Sandra B.: Haha. I don't know. 

Nora told me, then Rih said like "you seem like saints, but you're not" or something.

Cate B.: Hmmm. Do we wanna dig further into that information?

Sandra B.: Probably not. Drunken words.

The next reply took a while. I could see her typing.

Cate B.: Were you drunk as well?

I didn't know what to say. I felt as if she was trying to dig up into other information. To check if our moment back there was real, or what. But I wasn't even sure, I just knew that back then I would've kissed her so hard.

Sandra B.: The real tequila did a number on me. I think I should call it already and go to bed.

Cate B.: Got it. Sleep tight.

I seriously was complicating everything more than what it should be. I buried my face in the pillow to scream out all the frustration.

Cate B.: Thanks for a fun night :)

Seriously, this night needed to stop.

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