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LEON: Prefers Leo as his name. 21 years old, Has a tall height of 183 cm. Handsome figure and facial features with blue eyes and black hair (with a hint of brown). A mafia king who everyone fears and the owner of the most rich and powerful company of South Korea which he inherited from his father after he died. Usually cold but very warm and gentle in front of his lover.

Likes: Noah, to torcher people, and everything Noah likes.
Dislikes: When someone shouts or hurts Noah, B!tc!es, S!uts, Gold Diggers, when someone doesn't listens to him.
Hates: Noah's brother.

NOAH: He is very innocent, sweet and cheerful.16 years old, has a height of 160 cm. He has a little space. Very cute and beautiful facial feature with yellow eyes and silver hair.(he inherited his beautiful facial features from his father). Works part time to pay off his debts. Used to be rich but after his parents death he is now bankrupt because of his useless brother who gambled away all their money and abuses him everyday.

Likes: Cute, fluffy and beautiful things, Leo in the future, Chocolates and sweets, puppies and kittens.
Dislikes: His brother
Hates: none.


Ash: Noah's brother 25 years old, 175 cm height. Abuses his brother after coming back home from gambling. He inherited his parents wealth. But spend all of it on gambling and even owes a debt of 10 million. Has normal looks with brown hair and black eyes ( same as his mother). (He is just a side character who won't appear more than once or twice so I won't write about his likes and dislikes.)

LUNA: 20 Years old, 168 cm height. Leo's assistant and likes Leo ever since she saw him in a award ceremony.

(Authy:- So let's get started guys)

It was 7:30 P.M in the evening and as always Leo was done with his work and didn't had any missions to do so he went to a bar. He comes to this bar frequently to relieve his stress. He is a V.V.I.P member so he has his own room in this bar.

Soon the manager came inside the V.I.P room after knocking while dragging a little boy

He said: S... Sir he is new here.

(Leo looked at that boy and thought that he is really beautiful, gorgeous, cute and charming at the same time.)

After that he told the manager to 'get out at once'.

Then he looked at the boy and said : Come and sit here 'while pointing at his lap'.

But that boy shook his head as a no and started going backwards. Which made Leo to get up and pulled the boy on his lap. Then he asked:-

Leo: What is your name?

Boy: name ish Noah and I am 16. ( he said sistween)

Leo: What?? You are still a teenager.

He nodded as yes.

Leo: Then why are you here working as a stripper instead of going to school.

Noah started crying without answering his question.

Then Leo asked again: Why are you crying so suddenly?? *He didn't know why but seeing that boy cry made him sad and his heart throbbed as if it will burst.*

Noah: B....becwase my brother sold me to them saying thwat he will get more money if he sold Noah here.

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