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After that the days went by and it has already been 6 months since the day Leo met Noah.
Summer and rainy season has already ended and slowly winter was knocking on everyone's door.

Today Leo was out for a mission and Noah was still sleeping because it is still dawn. Everything is going by peacefully and Noah is also happy but something happened last month which Leo hasn't told Noah yet.

Last month~

It was still raining heavily outside but Leo was keeping an eye on his baby's brother since he promised Noah that he will take revenge. It has been three days since Leo asked his men to keep an eye on his love's brother.

After three days of keeping an eye on Ash (Noah's brother) he finally knows everything about Ash like where he goes and what he does for living. Because he didn't want to kill him so easily since he dared to touch Noah and torcher him.

Leo: Today I am going to take revenge for my bunny.

Saying that he went inside his car and went to the bar where Ash frequently goes to. It's been 5 minutes since he arrived at the bar and was waiting for Ash to come. After he saw Ash going inside the bar he also got out of car and went in.

Leo called a bartender and tipped him so that he will mix the drug in his drink.

(it is a kind of drug which makes a person dizzy and then after a few seconds he/she faints)

After half an hour that bartender gave a signal to Leo that Ash has fainted.

Leo: (Smirks with a dark face) Whoever messes with my baby they will always end up dead.

Nobody noticed that Leo's men took Ash out of the bar and took him to his basement. Since it was really crowded today.

Inside the basement~

Ash: (An hour later he got his senses back and found himself in a dark room which made him scared) W.... Who are you?? What do you want from me?? Let me go.

Leo: Do you think I took you here to let you go(in a cold voice and lit up all the lights)

Ash: (squinted his eyes because of the sudden light and saw that Leo was standing in front of him. He didn't know his true identity so he said) Who are you??? I don't know you. Why are you doing this to me??

Leo: Ohh!! Looks like I need to tell you why I took you here.

Do you still remember your little brother Noah who you used to abuse all day Brother-in-law.

Ash: W...What are you talking about?? And why are you even taking that b!tch's name.

Leo: Who are you calling a b!tch. And you didn't forget that you are still tied up right.(giving a dangerous smile to Ash while taking out a dagger from his pocket)

Ash: H...Huh.(eyes widened when he saw that Leo was coming near him with the dagger on his hand)

At first Leo stabbed the dagger on Ash's right shoulder and took it out while pulling harshly as Ash cried in pain and saw that it started bleeding like a fountain. Then he again stabbed it on his stomach and it bleed. Leo continued stabbing his dagger on Ash's body that all of Leo's clothes got dyed in blood as well as the floor.

Ash looked at Leo with horror on his face and died like that because of excess bleeding.
Leo: Clean it up and don't tell about this to anyone especially my angel. You heard me.

All of his men at once: Yes master.

Leo: Good. ( Saying that he changed his clothes and went outside to take a bath)

(He changed his clothes because it was dyed red by blood)

After taking a bath he changed his clothes again because the clothes he was wearing before stinks of blood so he ordered one of his man to throw it out.

Then he went downstairs and saw that his baby was eating snacks while watching something on the T.V. and giggling.

Leo: ( went there and backhugged him) You ate your dinner just now honey so don't eat too much snacks ok (and kissed on his cheeks)

Noah pouted a little but did as his Onie asked him to do. Then he turned around and said

Noah: Let's sweep dadda I am sweepy (said while yawning 🥱🥱)

Leo: Ok honey let's go and sleep now.

Noah nodded his head and put up both of his hands in the air then Leo smiled and picked him up after that they went inside Leo's room and slept while cuddling with each other.

Now let's go back to the present time~

It has been two days since Leo went to complete his mission and Noah is all alone in the house with some maids and bodyguards so he is getting bored that's why one of the bodyguard bought a puppy and gave it to Noah

Bodyguard1: Master Noah why don't you play with it until master comes back.

Noah: Ok (while looking at the puppy without blinking because according to Noah it is super cute)

(But who will tell Noah that he is even more beautiful and cute than anything else.)

Noah: I will gwive yo a nwame furst.(After thinking for a long time he finally came up with a name). Your nwame will be Abby. (saying this he smiled widely)

A week later~

Leo finally came back home thinking that his baby boo must be sad missing him everyday but when he got inside he saw that his angel was playing with a puppy on the lawn.

Leo: Huh. What is that ?? ( asked a maid)

Maid: Oh one of the bodyguard bought that puppy so that Master Noah won't get bored at home Master.

Leo: But why are they playing outside in the cold.

Maid: Then I will call them inside master.

Master: No let them play I will go and take them in after I take a bath.

Maid: Ok Master. ( bowed and went to do her work)

After taking a bath Leo went outside on the lawn and saw that his angel and the puppy both of them are laying on the grass.

Leo: Honey you shouldn't lay on the grass it is so cold outside. What if you catch a cold.

Noah: Dadda. (Ran and hugged him) Dadda yo are finawlly back ( smiled widely).

Leo: Yes I am back baby boo.(picked him up and kissed on the lips) But why were you laying there what if you catch a cold. Let's go inside now.

Noah: Ok. Abby let's gwo inside and pway (play).

Inside the house~

Noah: Dadda lwook he ish my fwiend Abby. He ish soo cute.

Leo: But you are cuter honey 🥰🥰 ( pecked him on the cheek)

Naoh: (Blushed) Put me down Dadda I want to pway with Abby.

Leo: (Made a sad face) Now that you have Abby you don't want your dadda. Ok I understand.

MAFIA'S CUTE LITTLE ANGEL Where stories live. Discover now