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Leo's POV:-
After sending the doctor upto the door he came back and went inside his bedroom where his angel was sleeping peacefully. But he became mad after seeing so many bruises on him again and swore to kill them whoever did this to him. Then he called one of his maids and asked for warm water and a clean towel. He also called one of his bodyguard to buy the prescribed medicines from a drug store.

5 minutes later the maid came back with what Leo asked for. Leo took that and told the maid to leave. Then he soaked the towel in warm water and wiped his angel's body very gently so that it won't hurt him and then he applied the medicine the doctor gave her for the bruises and took out one of his shirt and helped him wear it. It became oversized because of his angel's height.

After an hour his bodyguard came back and called him out and gave the medicines to his master then went back to his sleeping quarters. Then Leo went back to his bedroom and looked at his angel.

Leo: He looks so cute and sweet in my shirt.

He was mesmerized by his angel's beauty so he pecked his lips and then went to take a shower after showering he dried his hair and wore a white pajama then slept while cuddling with his angel. But he was being very careful so that he won't accidentally hurt the wounds on Noah's body.

Next Day

After waking up Leo saw that his angel was looking at him with his big doe eyes.

Noah: Gud mowning Onie. (Leon = On + ie that's how it became Onie. Sorry for this lousy name but I just couldn't think of anything else ~ Authy)

Leo: Good morning sweetheart. And looks like you have already thought about a nickname for me.

Noah: Yesh. I will call you Onie and Dadda since yo are twaking care of me now.

If it were someone else to call him with that name he would have killed that person right away. But he has already become a fool for his cutiepie so he said

Leo: Yes baby you can call me that. And then he kissed his forehead while Noah giggled a little.

Leo: Let's go fresh up and have our breakfast ok baby.

Noah: Hmm.

After getting fresh they went to the dinning hall for breakfast.

Leo: Sit here baby.

Noah: Ok. Then sat on his lap while showing two of his bunny teeth.

Leo fed his angel from his own plate and then he ate after that.

When Leo finished his breakfast he got up and got ready for his office while asking his angel to sit there and wait for him. After he came out from his bedroom he went downstairs and stood in front of Noah while asking: How do I look baby??

Noah: You look weally very handswome Dadda.

Leo: Really??

Noah: Yesh.

Leo: (Smiled and then asked) Baby do you want anything. I will buy it on my way back.

Noah: I want a big white teddy bear and many chocowates.

Leo: Ok baby I will buy it for you. Now where is my payment??

Noah: I don have anything to gwive yo as a pwayment.

Leo: Yes my angel you have. Give me a kiss on my lips, I will take that as my payment.

Hearing that Noah got shy and asked Leo to close his eyes.

Leo: Ok baby. After saying that he closed his eyes while laughing.

Noah: Don laugh or I won't gwive a kiss to yo.

Leo : Ok Ok I won't.

Then Noah gave him a kiss on his lips and ran away from there.

Leo started laughing and said: Oh someone got shy.

Noah said: No I am not shy. (while hiding behind a wall)

Leo: Come here baby. It's time to take your medicine.

Then he got the medicine and ordered one of his maid to bring water.

Noah: No I don want to. Medwicines are bitter it doesn't twaste good.

Leo: Baby you have to take it or else you won't be able to get healthy. Also who said that it doesn't taste good.

Noah: Yesh I know. One of my fwiend from the plase I used to work before got sick and she said thwat mwedicines taste bwitter.

Hearing this Leo got sad because he never thought that Noah used to work before. But then he remembered about his mf brother who sold him to a bar. If he didn't went there yesterday then his cute angel would have been dead by now. Just thinking about this made Leo really angry and he swore to kill everyone whoever hurt him or even tried to (Authy: Yes he thought about it again).

Leo: Why don't you try first baby who knows maybe it is not as bad as you think.

Noah: Weally. Then I will twy dwinking it for once.

Then he took the medicine from Leo and gulped it down at once while closing his eyes. But then suddenly he said

Noah: Yesh. I doesn't twaste bitter.

Leo: See I told you.

After that Leo made his angel sleep and ordered his maids to take good care of him and to not wake him up untill he wakes up by himself. Then he left for his office.

MAFIA'S CUTE LITTLE ANGEL Where stories live. Discover now