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Leo: (Made a sad face) Now that you have Abby you don't want your dadda. Ok I understand.

Noah: Nuuuu I lub(love) dadda more.

Leo: So you don't like Abby.

Noah: Nuu I lub(love) Abby.

Leo: So you don't like me.

Noah: I..I.....ummmm.....uhhh........

Leo: Hahaha. You are so cute my angel. Let's go and have our lunch.

Noah: Ok. (said with a pout)

Then Leo instructed one of his maid to give some food to Abby and take care of him. While the two of them had their lunch and went inside their room to sleep since both of were tired.

In the evening Noah woke up and saw that his dadda is still sleeping while hugging his waist so he slowly put Leo's hand to the side and went outside to play with Abby. After half an hour Leo woke up too and heard his baby's giggling voice downstairs and saw that Noah was playing with Abby again. This is the first time that Leo is getting jealous of a dog because his bunny his spending his time with the puppy more.

(🤣🤣🤣🤣 A mafia is jealous of a puppy.)

Leo wanted to get rid of that dog but he knew that Noah will get sad so he just asked one of his man to take care of the puppy when he is here and give it back to Noah when he is busy with work. The man nodded then bowed and left from there with Abby.

Leo: Baby let's watch a movie.

Noah didn't know about this so he went to watch a movie with his dadda inside Leo's room.

Leo knew that Noah is scared of ghosts and thunder so he specially chose a horror movie that way Noah will cling to him more.
While watching the movie Leo ordered some junk food and soft drinks for his baby and again started watching it while feeding his baby so that he won't sleep empty stomach.

Suddenly a jump scare came and Noah directly sat on Leo's lap because he got really scared and said

Noah: D...dadda is it a hower(horror) movie. I...I am scawed(scared).

Leo: It's ok honey your dadda will shoo away all the ghost.

Noah: Nuuu I dun wanna watch it anymowe (anymore).( Said while tightly shutting his eyes)

Leo inside his mind: F**ck baby don't sit like that or else I won't be able to control myself and saw that his thing is getting hard.
Control Leo he is still underaged.

Noah didn't knew about what's going on so he said

Noah: Dadda something is poking me.

(Aigoo. He is so innocent for this world.)

Leo: (Sh*t) It is nothing bunny let's go to sleep okay don't watch it anymore it is very scary.

Noah: Yesh. Dadda hug me to sweep(sleep). I am scawed(scared).

Leo: Ok baby boo. Let's sleep.

Leo kept on patting his angel's back until he fell asleep then he cleaned up his room and went inside the bathroom to take care of his thing. After that he came out of the bathroom and went to sleep with his baby.

(Something good is about to happen in the next chapter and I am thinking of skipping the time since we can't keep Leo waiting forever right.)

MAFIA'S CUTE LITTLE ANGEL Where stories live. Discover now