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Luna was in her last semester of her college when she saw a news on T.V that a young boy named Leo was being awarded with the most prestigious award which was being given to him since he is the youngest businessman of the world to ever achieve and get 10 Billions of dollars right after he inherited his father's company. Well they were rich to begin with but after Leo inherited the company he made it the most richest company in South Korea and by the World's top raking his company came number fifth. That's when Luna fell in love with him and later she joined his company as an intern after she graduated from the most prestigious college in South Korea that's why she was able to become Leo's secretary.

End of flashback.

Leo didn't mind anyone's gaze and just went in the elevator and then inside his office room. After reaching there Leo put Noah on the bed which he bought and got it fixed at the corner of the office the other day so that his lovely angel can sleep whenever he is tired.

Leo: Let's complete my work before lunch break. (Calls his secretary inside)
Leo: Tell me today's schedule.

Luna: Today you have a meeting withe share holders at 2:30 pm and then a meeting with every head of the department at 5 pm.

Leo: Do I have a break before the second meeting.

Luna: Yes sir you have a half an hour break before the second meeting.

Leo: Ok. You can go and do your work now.

One hour later~

Noah woke up and got scared because this is a new place for him but then he remembered that he came to his Dadda's office. Then he got up came down from the bed while looking for his Onie.

Noah: Dadda and then he went there and hugged him.

Leo: 😊😊. Angel do you like Dadda's office.

Noah: Yesh. I do. It is sho big and beautwiful.

Leo: Awww my baby. It is already 12 pm are you hungry ??

Noah: Noo. I will eat with yo Onie.

Leo: Ok then go and sit on the couch and play with it while I complete my work. (then he gave him the iPad he bought along)

Noah: Ok. And gave Leo a peck on his lips then went to sir on the couch.

After seeing this scene Luna was fuming with anger and thought that

Luna: (inside her mind) I will take care of you soon. Because he can only be mine.

Half hour later Leo was done with his work so he got up and went where his angel was sitting and giggling while watching something.

Leo: What are you watching baby?

Noah: Lwook Dadda it is sho funny.

Leo cooed at his voice and cuteness nd then said

Leo: Now let's go and eat our lunch ok honey.

Noah: Yesh let's gwo Dadda. (After saying that he put his hands up in the air so that his Onie can carry him)

Leo also smiled and carried him like a koala and went to the cafeteria to eat.

(Authy: Btw I forgot to write that the lunch time is from 12 pm to 2 pm 😅😅)

Leo: What do you want to eat baby??

Noah: I want Pizza.

Leo: Ok baby I will order it now ( So he ordered a small sized pizza because he knows that his angel can't finish his food if he were to order the medium sized one and spaghetti for himself with a cup of iced americano and chocolate milkshake).

After 10 minutes they served the food but Noah was not eating.

Leo: What happened baby why aren't you eating.

Noah: Because everyone ish lwooking at me and yo.

After hearing this Leo gave a cold glare to everyone and they just averted their gaze from Noah.

Leo: Now no one is looking at you honey.
Makes him eat his food and starts eating his own.

At night after they entered home.

Leo (to butler): Is it done?

Butler: Yes.

Leo: Now baby time for your surprise. But I have to blindfold you honey.

Noah: Thwen how will I walk?

Leo: It's okay Angel I will carry you so.(blindfolds him.)

Noah: Let's gooooo.

Leo takes him inside his bedroom closes the door and opens his blindfold for him to see his surprise.

Noah: Woow 😳😳. So pweety.

Leo ordered his servants to renovate his bedroom in a way that Noah likes because his bedroom was dark in colour which gave off creepy vibes and also ordered to transform one of the room into a  wardrobe for his cutie.

Leo: Now let's check out your wardrobe ok?

Noah: Ok.

After seeing the wardrobe~

Noah: It is shoo big dada and shoo many pweety cwothes (clothes) and jwellewies (jewelleries).
Leo: Do you like it honey??

Noah: Yesh dada I love it.

Leo: So where is my payment. Pointing at his lips.

Noah got shy but still gave a kiss to Leo.

After that they took a shower and had their dinner then slept while cuddling each other.

Time skip 2 months later~

Noah got healthy again and as cheerful as ever. Moreover although Noah still gets shy but he has gotten used to kiss Leo and they kiss each other more longer or should I say until Noah gets out of breath.😏😏

But Leo still acts as a gentleman and said that he will wait untill his angel comes of age.
(If you know you know 🤭🤭)

(Noah is pouting cutely with an angry face because his dadda didn't take him to his office.)

Leo: I'm very sorry baby but my office is gettingsome renovation and it is all dusty here. You also know that you are allergic to dust right.. (He is talking with Noah in a video call.)

Noah: So you have to take Noah to an Amusement pwak only then will I forgwive you.

Leo: As you command my Baby boo. Now give me a kiss.
Noah: 😳😳😚😚.
Leo: Awwww my baby 😘😘 Love you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Noah: Pewvet (pervert) (cuts the call).

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