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A week later~

Tomorrow is almost Leo's birthday and Noah is planning to give him a surprise. So he didn't go to the office with Leo and said that he wants to play with Abby so Leo had no choice but to give back his Abby to him.

After Leo left~

Noah: Butler uncle pwease(please) twake Abby with yo.

Butler: Ok mistress.

(Yes everyone is been calling him mistress these days because Leo asked them to take care of him even better than they took care of Leo.)

Noah asked one of the maids: Unnie do yo know what showld(should) I gwive dadda.

All of the maids: Master will like whatever you give him mistress.

Noah: Weally(really).

Maids all at once: Yes mistress.

Noah: Then I will gwive him a good surpwise(surprise). Butler uncle pwease help me.

Butler: Yes mistress please tell me what do I need to do.

Noah instructed him what he should do and went to get ready and prepare a surprise for him.

At night~

It was almost 12:30 AM when Leo came back.
Leo: Is he asleep?

Butler: Yes master.

Leo: Good. I won't be having dinner today. So you can go back and rest.

Butler, maids and his bodyguards: (Bowed) Yes master. (and went away).

While Leo went inside his room and lit up the lights.

Suddenly Noah used a party popper which made Leo full of confetti and then Noah jumped on Leo from the bed and said

Noah: Happy Bwirthdway(birthday)Dadda.

Leo was dumbfounded but still caught Noah who was now hugging him like a koala. After a few seconds Leo put down Noah and saw that he was wearing one of his shirt which came upto his knees. Seeing this Leo blushed a little and almost had a nosebleed but he controlled himself.

Leo: Baby what is this? And how do you know my birthday. (Because even he forgot his own birthday)

Noah: One of the Maid unnies said thwat today ish your Bwirthdway so I surpwised yo.
Leo: But why are you wearing my clothes honey (said while giving him a peck on his lips)

Noah: Your bodygward(bodyguard) said thwat I should wear your cwothes (clothes) to surpwise yo.

Leo: Awww you look so pretty in my clothes baby (and kissed him for a minute)

Noah: (Blushed) Now cut yo cwake dadda.

Leo: Ok.

Leo was about to blow out the candles but got stoped by Noah.

Noah: To should mwake a wish before bwowing(blowing) dadda.

Leo: As you say baby.

So Leo closed his eyes and made a wish then blew all of the candles and cut the cake.

Noah clapped while singing the birthday song with a cute smile on his face but was stopped when Leo put a piece inside his mouth and kissed him. Soon Noah struggled to breath seeing this Leo let go of his lips for him to breath.

Leo: It is very tasty honey.

Noah blushed even his ears turned red while Leo thought that it is very cute.

Leo: Today is the best birthday of my life baby. (Saying this he pulled Noah closer and clicked a photo to keep it inside his office room in a frame since he doesn't have any photo of them together inside his office)

Then they cleaned the room together which was a mess because of the party popper which Noah used earlier.

Leo: Wait for me here ok baby I will come after I freshen up.

Noah as Leo went to freshen up after 10 minutes Leo came out of the washroom and saw that Noah was still wearing his shirt so he sat on his bed and asked to sit on his lap earlier he wasn't able to look at Noah very closely since he jumped on him. So while looking at him Leo started to get hard and this time he couldn't control himself so he said

Leo: Let's do something exciting angel.
Noah: What is it Dadda?

Leo: Don't get scared ok.

Noah: Ok.

So Leo put Noah on the bed gently and got on top of him while slowly and passionately kissing him. Slowly the gentle kiss got a little hot and Leo put his his tongue inside Noah's mouth and started exploring every corner. Few minutes later Noah tapped on Leo's chest and he understood that Noah is out of breath so he stopped kissing on his lips and started unbuttoning his own shirt then Noah's. After that Leo kissed his neck and started making hickies red and purple depending on the reactions he got from Noah.

After a while Leo moved on to his nip**es. He kissed and sucked on it occasionally while playing with the other side but he didn't bite it since he didn't wanted to hurt his angel. Then he kissed on his body while moving lower and lower while listening to the moans from Noah which was music to his ears. Then he slowly pulled the under**ar Noah was wearing making him na*ed. Then he got rid of his own pants and undergarments then he attached both of their things together (since Noah was also hard) and rubbing it slowly and after a while he started pacing up then sometime later they both c*m at the same time.
Noah felt really embarrassed and hid his face in his Dadda's chest but he wasn't scared since Leo has been teaching him about this and that alongside his studies after the movie incident so that he won't get scared when they do it for the first time. That's why Noah knew what they are doing beforehand.
But Leo didn't go all the way and stopped right after they did it since Noah is not an adult yet. And he wanted to do it properly without scaring him because it will be Noah's first time.

After that both of them fell asleep time kept flying like this while the two love birds kept enjoying each other's company mostly Leo pampering Noah.

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