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Noah's POV:
I woke up but my hands and feets are twied and they cwovered my eyes too. I am scared dadda where are yo😭😭😭

Suddenly someone opened the blindfolds and I saw that they were twalking about swomething but befor I could hear anything someone cwame to me and dwagged me to an unknown pwace(place).
POV ends~

Unknown: Do you still remember me sweety??

Noah: Who are yo??

Unknown: Oh! So you don't remember don't worry I know how to make you remember me.

When Noah looked looked at that person while squinting his eyes he remembered something but it was very blurry but now he knows that this guy is a pervert who tried to do some bad things to him before. Then suddenly Luna walked in and Noah was dumbfounded.

Luna: Are you happy to see me here. Don't worry I will definitely make Leon mine and make him forget you.😏😏

Noah: Noo he will cwome and find me. He will pwotect me 😭😭

Unknown: He doesn't even know that we took you here so how do you think he is going to find you.

Noah: He will fwind me. I am sure he will (mumbles in a low voice)

Luna: (Suddenly slapped Noah and said) You better forget about him look I even found you a new sugar daddy didn't I, so you better behave or else (shows a very dangerous expression)

Noah trembled in fear and started crying.

Luna: This b!tch.

Proceeds to slap him again but was stopped by that unknown person.

Unknown: I will deal with him so you better keep that hand at its place.

Luna: Yes I understand Mr. John.

Luna in her mind: Who does he think he is. Short, fat and ugly compared to my Leon he is nothing but dust in front of him.

Luna: Then I will leave him here. If you need anythingin the future please just call me ( in her mind:😡😡)

She was about to leave but suddenly both of them heard some noises outside and went out to see what is happening whereas Noah fainted because he was scared and cried too much.

(Oh no my poor baby. But don't worry I will make them see hell soon.😏😏)


When both of them got outside they saw that all of their men were lying on the floor and of his man was trembling with fear looking at someone in the dark. Soon Luna and John got to their senses and said

Luna: Who are you and what do you want??

John: How dare you to make trouble in my territory.( while trembling a little)

Unknown: I am your de!th ☠️☠️

It didn't took long for Luna to recognise this voice since it is his boss's voice. After recognising it she started trembling because she knows that her boss can be really ruthless when he is angry and when it is about Noah he gets really emotional and protects him more than his own life.

Leo: Where is he?? ( said in an intimidating voice) (while still holding his gun and covered in blood.)

John: Who are you talking about??

John was scared but not like Luna since he doesn't recognise this voice because Leo was still standing in the dark and John couldn't see him clearly. Then Leo went ahead and stood in front of them.

John: W..W..What What are you doing here sir and w..what are talking a..about we don't have a...anything that picks y..your i..interest

After seeing Leo's face John started trembling in shock and fear since he knew about Leo's real identity and soon realised that why is he here that's why he said it to make Leo calm down a little but it looks like it didn't worked on him.

Leo: You better tell me where is my baby when I am still asking nicely.

Luna: W..What are t..talking about we d..don't h..have what you are s..searching for

Leo clicked his tongue and asked his men to take these sh!ts to the basement which was under his house and Noah didn't know about it since he is an angel so Leo wanted to keep him away from seeing any blood. After that Leo went in and around for his angel and finally he saw him locked up in a room with his legs and hands tied up. Leo cut off all the ropes and freed his hands then pulled Noah to his chest and said in a gentle voice~

Leo: Honey.......My baby please wake up see I am here to take you away. (but there was no response) Let's go home first baby (then kissed his forehead and cheeks.)

After arriving at home Leo put Noah on his bed and called a doctor to treat all of his wounds after the doctor left giving the medicines Noah finally woke up after half an hour and saw his dadda caressing his hair gently.

Noah: D....Dadda.

Leo: Angel you are awake. Does it hurts anywhere. Are you feeling alright. 🥺🥺

Noah: D...Dadda and then he started crying 😭😭

Leo: It's okay now baby see I am here don't cry I will protect you. I am sorry baby. Please don't cry. ( said in a soothing and gentle voice.)

10 minutes later Noah calmed down.

Leo: Are you ok now?

Noah: Yesh (in a small voice)

Leo: Now go to sleep I will stay here until you fall asleep ok.

Noah: Hmmm.

After a while Noah fell asleep and Leo left to go to the basement after pecking on his love's lips twice.

In the basement~

(Torcher time 😈😈😈😈)

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