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Two months later~

Today Leo and Noah are getting married and venue is decorated so beautifully that everyone whoever came inside were awestruck.

Soon the groom and bride entered the hall together looking as beautiful as ever and were standing in front of the priest.

Priest to Leo: In the name of God do you take Noah to be your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death.

Leo: Yes. I do.

Priest to Noah: In the name of God do you take Leo as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part. You will love and honor all the days of your life.

Noah: Yesh. I do.

Priest: Now I announce Leo and Noah as lawful husband's. You may kiss each other now.

Hearing this Leo pulled Noah by his waist and kissed very lovingly.

Everyone clapped and congratulated them.

Then Noah threw the bouquet and a little girl caught it who was standing in the middle with her parents after catching the bouquet she jumped out of joy and showed it to her mother.

Meanwhile the newly wed couple shared wine with each other then Leo asked one of the maids to take Noah inside and serve him food since he didn't ate anything from morning.
After Noah was gone Leo started greeting everyone and talked with everyone. It was almost dark when he was done when he bid farewell to the guests and went inside too.

Inside Leo's room~

Noah was sleeping peacefully when Leo went in and freshend up without disturbing his baby's sleep. Then Noah also woke up a little while later and saw that Leo was taking a bath. Noah sat up straight and was thinking about what happend today during the wedding when Leo came out of the bathroom and saw that Noah is awake.

Leo: Baby are you ready for our first night 😊😊😊.

Noah: Y..yesh.

Leo: It's ok baby don't be afraid I won't hurt you ok.

Noah just nodded his head.

Then Leo gently pushed Noah on the bed and got on top of him and started kissing him gently yet passionately while exploring each corner of his mouth after a while they parted because Noah was out of breath so instead of kissing Leo started undressing both of them until they were n*ked.

Then Leo started making hickies on Noah's neck and all over his body while occasionally licking and sucking his nip**es and after that Leo started sucking Noah's thing while Noah tried to suppress his moans

Leo: Let me listen to your moans baby don't supress it I want to hear it more

Noah: Hmm....ahhh I...I am c...c**ming

Instead of taking it out Leo gulped it down and said

Leo: It is tasty baby.

After that Leo put on a c**dom and used almost more than half of the lube on Noah's hole and slowly put one finger inside it.

Noah: D..dadda it hurts (saying that he started crying)

Leo: I...I am sorry baby. Just relax, Ok I will do it slowly.

Noah: Hmm....ughh.

Then after a while Leo put another finger in slowly and moved his finger until he thought it was enough to put another finger. So he put the third finger in and slowly moved his fingers while kissing Noah to calm him down and get him to relax. Then he pulled out his fingers and rubbed his hard thing on his hole and put it in slowly as to not hurt Noah.

Noah: Ahhhhh.....It hwurts Dadda. Pull it out (with tears in his eyes).

Leo: D..does it hurts baby. Let me pull it out then. (Saying this he pulled it out and saw his baby crying very badly because of him)

Leo: I am sorry baby I hurt you.

Noah: B...but I want to do it too. I am also sowwy(sorry) Dadda for cwying(crying) (saying this he became very sad)

Leo: Awww. It's okay baby. Shall we try it again.

Noah: Yesh.

Leo: Ok then.

After saying this Leo again tried to loosen it as much as possible and put it in again slowly. Although it hurts for Noah but he bit his lips instead since he also wanted to do it too.

Leo: If it hurts then bite me instead. You will hurt your lips if you keep doing that honey.

Noah: O..ok (Then he bit Leo instead but not that hard for him to bleed) Hnghh

So Leo put it in a little more and waited for Noah to get used to it. Then he slowly put all of it inside Noah but didn't move until Noah asked him to. Then Leo started moving slowly since he doesn't want to hurt him.

Noah: Ahhh....ughhh...

Noah moaned continuously until Leo touched a spot. Noah arched his back right away in pleasure and moaned even more loudly.

Noah: Ahhh. D..Dadda can y....yo do it a..agwain.

Leo: Ok baby. But tell me if it hurts hmm.

Noah nodded

Then Leo moved slowly and pressed that place again and again until Noah c*med and then after a while Leo also c*med and took it out. Then he cleaned himself and Noah and both of them layed on bed. Noah fell asleep right after Leo cleaned him. Since it was Noah's first time Leo didn't do it any further.

Leo: Good night My Love. (then kissed on Noah's forehead and slept while cuddling).

The next day Leo woke up first and saw that his angel was still sleeping so he got up first and freshend up then got ready to go to his office. Today he is not taking Noah with him since Noah was really tired yesterday. He went downstairs and ordered his maid to make breakfast. Soon Noah woke up too and started calling for his Dadda.

Hearing this Leo went inside his room in a hurry and saw that Noah was crying while looking at Leo.

Leo: W....What happened honey?

Noah: M...My back huwts (hurts) waaaahhhhh😭😭😭😭

Leo: It's okay baby come I will carry you to the washroom.

Then he took Noah to the bathroom helped him freshen up and brush his teeth then carried him downstairs to eat breakfast.

Noah: Pancwakes. Thank yo Dadda 😚😚😚

Leo: Come here bunny sir on my lap or else your back will hurt again.

Noah: Weally(really)??

Leo: Yes it is the truth.

Noah: Hmmm...okay.

Then after eating breakfast Leo again carried him to his room and gave him some painkillers then made him sleep again and then went to his work.....

Like this everyday went by and Leo always pampered Noah and gave everything Noah ever asked for. The days passed and became months. Months became years but their love is still the same without any changes in their relationship They lived happily ever after.

                       The End

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