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Leo went inside the library and pulled a book then the bookshelf shifted backwards opening a path to the underground. Leo went inside and closed the door in the same way he opened it.

In the basement~

Bodyguard1: Master we have put them there showed him the place where the prisoners are kept and torchered.

Leo: I understand all of you go out.
All 8 of the bodyguards who were present there: Yes master. Saying this they went outside waiting for their master to come out.
Whereas here inside the basement

Leo: How dare you to touch my love with your filthy hands saying this he stabbed a knife on John's leg and John cried out of pain.

Leo thinking about how he found out about his angel.
When Leo was going crazy he suddenly remembered that there are cameras all over the hall so without wasting any time he went to the control room and asked one of the people to show the camera and saw that Luna with another man dragging his cutie pie his blood boiled while looking at them then he went out of the restaurantand asked one of the police who was patrolling that time to show him CCTV footage since the police knew about Leo's identity and was scared of him so he showed him the footage that's how he knew where they took his baby.

Leo: You guys want to die that badly huh.

John: h...he is the who seduced me.
Leo: Oh still lying then should I try something else (saying that he torchered John as much as he could)

While seeing all of this Luna started crying in fear and begged to let her go. But Leo being Leo

Leo: You should have thought about it before touching my precious baby (and torchered her till she begged to kill her)

Leo: As you wish and smiled creepily then killed both of them.

Leo: Someone come inside and clean up this mess (saying this he went out of the basement while his men cleaned up the mess he made)

After Leo went out he saw that he was covered in blood (well he was covered in blood to begin with but Noah didn't noticed it since he was crying and then slept on his arms so his clothes got some blood too)

Leo: Oh honey looks like you got some blood because of me (freaking out inside his mind😱😱) Let's clean this up before he wakes up.

Then he cleaned his angel changed his clothes into some comfortable ones and then went to take a bath.

8 minutes later Leo heard some small sniffles from his room he knew it was his cutie pie so he got out of the shower and covered his lower half with a towel and went towhere his baby was sleeping asap.

Noah: Dadda I am scawed(scared) while pointing outside the window.

Leo heard some loud thunders then he looked out of the window and saw that it was raining outside. So he carried his baby and went inside the bathroom where you can't hear thunders and hummed a song to his angels ears. After a few minutes he heard little snores and saw that his little beauty is sleeping peacefully then he covered his ears with earwarmers which will keep him warm prevent the noises of thunder to enter from his ear.

Then he came out while carrying his baby and put him on the bed then took out a thick quilt and covered him up because the temperature dropped all of a sudden because of the rain. After he put Noah on bed he put on some clothes and cuddled his baby angel to sleep.

MAFIA'S CUTE LITTLE ANGEL Where stories live. Discover now