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Time Skip~

After sleeping for more than 3 hours he woke at afternoon and went downstairs to the dining hall because he was hungry.

Noah to the maids: Unnies Noah is hungwy give me some food pwease.

Maids almost fainted because of Noah's cuteness and one of the maids asked

Maid 1: What do you want to eat little sir?

Noah: Can yo gwive me some mweat and a pudding.

Maid 2: Yes of course we can but we can't give you pudding because master told us not to since he will be bringing so many chocolates and sweets tonight on his way back home for you.

Noah: Ok.

Maid 3: Why don't you eat some fruits little sir. We will cut it into cute little shapes. Just tell us which shape would you like to eat😊😊

Noah: Then I want a bunny, a hart (heart), a circwle( circle) and a twee (tree).

Maid 4: Ok sir why don't you watch some tv while you wait. We will call you when it is done.

Noah: Thank yo unnies.

Then he went to the sitting room to watch tv. Some time later the maids came and gave him the fruits which he asked for.

Tima Skip~
Half an hour later the maids called him to eat lunch. After finishing his lunch the maids told him to go to sleep so that he will get healthy very soon. So he went back to Leo's bedroom and fell asleep again.

Leo came back from his office at 7 'o' clock and asked one of his maids that if he eat something this afternoon or not. After the maid said yes he did, Leo went back to his bedroom and saw that his angel was still sleeping peacefully. So he didn't wake him up and went to take a shower. After 15 minutes he came out of the bathroom and didn't saw his angel anywhere so he called him but no one replied but when he was about to open his room's door to go find him downstairs. Noah came out from under the bed and went behind Leo~

Noah: Booo... Weren't yo scawed or supwised?? He asked this question when he saw that Leo didn't made any facial expressions.

Leo: How can I be surprised when such a cutie is trying to scare me. Anyways since you woke up let's go take a bath and then we will go to eat dinner ok.

Noah: Ok.

Leo: And after we are done eating. I have a gift for you.

Noah: Yaay

Time skip~

At dining table-

Leo: Come here baby and made him sit on his lap. Then fed him first and then he ate after that.

Leo: Now that we are done eating let's go to my room.

Noah: Yesh.

Leo carried him and went to his room since he was afraid that Noah will fall because he was running down the stairs when they were coming down to eat dinner.

In Leo's room-

Leo: Since you have eaten your dinner so drink your medicine now.
Gave Noah his medicine and he drinks it.

Leo: And now let me give you your gifts that I bought for you.

Then he went out of his room and came back after 5 minutes and gives the gifts he bought for Noah.

Noah: Woah 😯😯😳😳.

There was a big white teddy bear and and a big box of chocolates inside a gift wrapper.

Leo: Do you like it baby 😊😊 ??

Noah: Yesh. While taking out and eating one chocolate from the box.

After saying that he jumped on Leo's lap and hugged him in koala style. Leo was surprised by this sudden hug but still caught him.

Leo: Now now it's time for you to go to sleep.

Noah: Cwan I sweep (sleep) just a littwe later.

Leo: No baby you should sleep now because you will be going to my company with me tomorrow.

Noah: Weally?? Then lwet's sweep (sleep) or else we will be lwate tomowo.

Leo: ( while smiling) Yes baby let's sleep.

After Noah fell asleep Leo got up and applied the medicine on his bruises and then he also fell asleep while hugging his sweetheart.

The Next Day

Leo woke up first and completed his morning routine then he took a quick shower and went downstairs. Then he ordered the maids to make some sandwiches for him and some pancakes for his little cutie. After that he went upstairs and saw that his little angel woke up and is searching for him so he went to him and carried him to the washroom to help him brush his teeth and freshen up. After that he came back and helped his cutiepie to change into some white shorts and pink crop top. Which he ordered yesterday while going to his office along with many other cute outfits for his sugar bun to wear.
After getting ready Leo packed two bags one for his own office work and the other one for his sweetheart which contains some spare clothes, his meds, some chocolates and an iPad for him to play with when he gets bored.

Inside the car Noah fell asleep on Leo's lap because he got up very early in the morning since he was excited for his trip to Leo's office.
When they reached Leo's office Leo went out carrying his angel in bridal style because he didn't wanted to wake him up. When he went inside his office carrying Noah everyone looked at Leo as if they saw a ghost, since nobody had seen their boss being so gentle with anyone before. So everyone assumed that the guy who is being carried by their boss must be very precious to him. Whereas Leo's secretary Luna got jealous because she loved him ever since she first saw him and that's also the reason why she chose to work in his company.
Luna: (inside her mind) I have liked him eversince I first saw him and even tried to seduce him many times but he never looked at me like that but why is he carrying that guy as if he is some kind of precious treasure. He doesn't even looks half as good as me.
Getting a flashback as to how did she (Luna) fell in love with Leo.

MAFIA'S CUTE LITTLE ANGEL Where stories live. Discover now