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The next day~

After having their breakfast Leo took his bunny to his office with him as always. After arriving there Leo asked his assistant to recruit someone as his new secretary.

(Well I don't remember whether Luna was a secretary or an assistant and I am too lazy to search for it so let's just say that she was the secretary.)

Assistant: Yes sir. ( Bows and leaves from there.)

Although Leo took care of his bunny as he always does in the morning but he was silent and didn't talk to Noah like everyday because yesterday night after killing them while he was coming out one of his man said something that even he doesn't know.

Flashback of yesterday night~

Leo: Clean this place thoroughly so that not even a single speck of blood could be seen.

While coming out of the basement one of his man said while shaking like a leaf~

Man: M...Ma...master I want to tell you something.

Leo: What is it??? (Asked coldly)

Man: Master I think I know who that person is. (said the man while pointing at John's dead body)

Leo: WHAT. You know who he is then why didn't you told me before... So who is he??

Man: I saw him 2 months ago. When H...h..he tried r!pe m..master Noah.

Leo: WHAT. Then where was I when he tried to do that to my honey. (Said while fuming in anger)

Man: M....master it was t...that time w...when you told him that are a m..mafia and master Noah t...tried to a....avoid you.

Leo: Ohh!! (and clenched his first so tightly that his knuckles went white)

Leo: Then why are you telling me this now??(said very coldly)

Man: (Chills ran down his spine) M...m...maste~

Leo: (Got even more angry) Stop stuttering.

Man: Yes master (and took a deep breath).

Man: It is because master Noah asked me not to tell you.

Leo: Ohh. Then if he asks you to die will you do it??

Man: Yes I will. Because he is also my master.

Leo: Smirks (😏😏) inside his mind: looks like my baby got a really good and obedient bodyguard for him.
Then as a master now I want you to do something.

Man: Yes I will do it (said without fear)

Leo: I want you to be his bodyguard.

Man: (Eyes widened. I thought that he will ask me to die) Yes master.

Leo: Protect him with your life and if something like this ever happens again(while pointing at John) kill yourself.

Man: Yes master. I will heed to your order and protect master Noah even if it costs my life.

Leo: Good (and went out of the basement).

Flashback ends~

Leo was still thinking about last night and getting angry on himself and sometimes he got sad while thinking about what happened to Noah before when he wasn't by his side.

Noah noticed it that his dadda wasn't talking with him even when Noah tried so many times he just replied in 'Hmm', 'Yes' and 'Ok' so he thoughtwhy don't he do something about it. So he got up from the couch and went to his Onie. Then sat on his lap while putting his arms around Leo's neck and facing him. Since Leo was in his own world he got startled because someone sat on his lap.

Leo: B..Bun what are you doing??

Noah: Becwase yo don (don't) talk to me and don lwisten (listen) to me that's why.

Leo: (Realised it) Sorry my angel I was thinking about something.

Noah blushed a littleand Leo thought that he is so cute. Then Noah said

Noah: 😯😯😯. What wer (were) to thwinkin (thinking)??

Leo: I was thinking about....(he suddenly stopped talking and said) Why did you never told me about John that you met him before.

Noah: What who is John?? (said while showing his cute face with big doe eyes because he doesn't knows that the pervert who tried to r!pe him is John)

Leo: That guy from yesterday who was trying to do bad things to you. (Yes he said bad things because Noah is too innocent for this world)

Noah: (glanced at Leo and hid his face on Leo's chest) Becwase he said that he will twake me away and won't lwet me meet yo and also he will do bwad thwings to Noah (said while crying 😭😭)

Leo: It's ok don't cry my love don't cry see I am right here. No one is going to take you away from me. Please stop crying (said in a gentle voice while gently patting on his back and giving kisses on his forehead)

After a few minutes Noah stopped crying and Leo helped him wipe his tears.

Then they ended up kissing each other and started making out but suddenly their kissing got interrupted when someone knocked on the door so Leo stopped kissing his love with an angry face and said

Leo: What?

Assistant: Sir Your meeting will start after 15 minutes that's why I am here.

Leo: Ok come in. ( While covering his baby protectively who is still sitting on his laps)

Assistant: (He is already used to seeing it so he started talking about the meeting without wasting any time. After 6 minutes) that will be all for today's meeting files and the discussion you will be having with them.

Leo: Ok I understand now take the files and stand outside the office for a while I will go after I am done here.

Assistant bowed and went out.

Leo: Bunny. (said while looking at Noah and saw that he fell asleep when he was talking just now so he smiled a little) oh, looks like you were tired after crying so much.

So he put his angel on the bed then kissed on his lips softly and went outside.

After the meeting ended Leo rushed inside his office to his bunny because he thought that Noah is awake already. When he went inside and saw that the bed is empty he started worrying and was about to go out to find his love but suddenly something clicked and he saw that Noah was coming out of the restroom.

(lmao 🤣🤣🤣 He is so overprotective of Noah)

After that the days went by and it has already been 6 months since the day Leo met Noah.

What has Leo been doing all these time....

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