feeling old

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I ended up waking up before everyone so I ended up leaving to go home amd I'll just send them a text later.

I'm just getting antsy about Victoria coming home, especially to my home.

I usually don't know what to expect when I come back home like fighting,yelling, throwing things or the police showing up since one of them called on the other.

Walking in the door I see mom watching the news "Hey sweety your so called step dad didn't pay the electric bill, so power will be going out unless you pay it im sorry sweety i should have never married that man. I'm a terrible mom to you im so sorry my sweet pea" she tells me and hugs me shaking with tears.

It's okay mom I'll pay it and Victoria is staying with me in my room for a bit okay, I'm gonna take care of here so you don't have too okay?

"Okay honey and I'm sorry beautiful for his dumb self for not doing anything once again but okay I'll make a nice dinner how that sound". Mom smiles at me now happy and I just nod, walking to my room I take a deep breath and relax.

....................Sometime Later..........................

I leave work after cashing my lasts week paycheck and with some of my money from my savings I managed to pay the power bill and i payed the electric bill aswell. Also have some left to be able to buy food for this week with a hundred dollars to spare for emergencies, I'll go get food when Victoria arrives.

It's about noon when I walk into my room and plop on my bed when I hear knocking, (sigh) I opened the door and was greeted with a hug from Victoria.

"Hey cuz I missed youu" she sqeals and I tell her how I'm doing and that I made new friends, how we can go get food so she wants to go food shopping after she gets her stuff in my room.

We ended up getting the futon from the basement and set her stuff up in our room I guess I could be saying our room since she's here staying with me.

Ace Kings:

I woke up to Alice and Ashley still asleep when I hear the door closed, I get up and look out my window and see izzy leaving our home. Guess she had to go, the girls will be pretty sad but they'll have to deal.

Speaking of leaving I have a boxing match tonight, should be pretty easy it's against Max Wellington which he is pretty buff and all but this is probably is his tenth fight since he is pretty new.

Don't get me wrong the kid is really good for being 16 he is short but don't let that get to your head he could fight almost anyone easily.

I knock on Alice's door and she awnsers sleepily, Hey I'm going out with the boys tonight call Connor or Ryan and if they don't answer call uncle David and you know the rules.

"Yes don't let anyone in I don't know and no party's without you here and make sure Ashley is safe, plus don't burn the house down".

"I'll be back in late tonight and there is a fifty on my bed for takeout". I tell her amd she sighs but gives me a hug and I turn to leave.

I soon arive at the boxing place where I have a match in tonight and it's not crowded yet down here so I go back up to work out in the gym.

The place is a gym but in the basement there's arena for boxing its illegal and all but it's good pay amd fun somtimes.

I'm wrapping hands before I hit the punching bag hitting so hard it sways.

I here conner yelling at the vending about how it's a scam but a yummy scam, He is really something somtimes.

Yesterday was really awsome like I haven't had that much of a good time like the time I won my first fight.

"Okay champ it's your turn so go in there and fight like it's your last night".

"I will"

I wall into the ring as the announcer call my name "here is the our our favorite guy in the ring Ace spade".

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