just a few white lies

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Izabella pov

We Come back from shopping to find the home a mess and mom is crying and saying she's leaving plus she had enough of him so it was him or her.

After cheering up vicky saying it'll be okay and at least I have her now, we go back to our room and watch the little mermaid then tangled.

I wake up at 9 so I go to the bathroom and just cry in rhe shower, I git dressed and headed down stairs to see Alex my step dad.

"Why she leave I didn't do anything, it must have been you. What did you do you good for nothing girl"

I didn't do anything I tell him and I turn around not wanting to deal with him since he is "slightly drunk".

"Dont you walk away from me" he now yells and grabs my wrist hard to stop me from leaving.

"Don't do that and she isn't gone forever she's staying with her sister you jerk. No wonder she wants to leave! " I yell the last part then run to my room.

"Hey everything okay I woke up thought I heard yelling, plus you weren't here" I find Vick in the hallway still half asleep trying to keep her eyes open.

"Yah like how about we go out to Mc Donalds for breakfast", I ask her and she starts to wake up then sqeals and runs to our room to probably change.

Ace pov:

I come back into the house at 2 am in the morning to see my sister passed out on the floor in a blanket fort in the living room.

I saw the fort and looked inside and saw them sleeping so being a good big brother I brought them back to there own rooms one at a time.

"Hi Acey did you have fun with the guys" I here Ashley whisper as I set her down on her bed, "yes I did now go back to sleep sis" I say and kiss her head.

Walking into my room i throw my shirt off and I fall onto my bed and try to sleep, feeling exhausted beyond relief.

For some reason I can't seem to fall asleep.  I get up and go to my bathroom after splashing water onto my face, i look at my cuts and decside to change the bandages on my hands hoping that might help.

I wake up to my door being knocked on, It opens and its Alice and Ashley "were hungry can you makes us pancakes"
say in union.

"Why Can't you"? I ask them.

"Well I burnt the pancakes" alice sighs.

"What time is it" i ask as I smell a slight burnt smell coming in my room.

"It's 10 in the morning amd we're starving" alice says and Ashley starts to whine about her tummy.

"How about we go get breakfast okay"?

They both cheer and yell "we're going to get dressed now". I go to my drawers and get dressed aswell or they might kill me for food.

We're out and about driving as alice and Ashley argue about dukin or star bucks so where do I go, I pull into Mc donalds and drag then in with me not wanting to hear any protest.

"Can I get a large orange juice and hotcakes with hashbrowns please". I ask the lady taking orders then the girls get what they want so I sit down at a table to wait on our food.

I see izzy get out of line with this girl I don't know and alice spots them too so she runs up to them, like a mad woman as I Palm my face. Next thing I know we're all eating together and wete planning on going back home to chill.

When we got back to the house we all gathered in the living room when izzy asked what happend to my hands amd I said I punch the wall because I lost to video games.

I then asked about the light bruise on her wrist trying to be hidden by a hair tie. "Oh when I get nervous I wring my wrist like hard, like I swear it's not what it could look like". She smiles at me then stares at her shoes humming.

She then looks to tori who asks if she can borrow her phone charger, she of course hands it over then trys to change the topic. "So it's um nice out" she nervously laughs "well we're inside but it was nice out huh sunshine" I smile at her and she starts to relax.

I know she's lying because I've heard it before like when alice got bulled last year in school, some girls were harassing her so I had a nice talk with them.

Plus I tell white lies sadly often ever since I started to box.. so i know a lie when I hear one, since I feel like all I do is lie lately.

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